Reforming the EU: What Role for Climate and Energy Policies? – Sofia
- Event
- Date
- Location
- Sofia, Bulgaria
On 18 April 2018, at the middle of Bulgaria's presidency of the European Union, a high-level workshop discussed Bulgaria's views on the EU reform process, and the role of climate and energy policies in it. This event is part of a series of workshops on EU reform and its links to climate and energy policies. A summary of the workshop is available.
- Funding
- Organizer
Ecologic Institute, Germany - Partner
EU Council Presidency, Bulgaria 2018 (BG 2018 EU), International - Team
- Date
- Location
- Sofia, Bulgaria
- Language
- Participants
- Project
- Project ID
- Keywords
climate action, EU reform processes, EU law, Macron, Junker, institutional changeEurope, Bulgaria
Oberthür, Sebastian; Benjamin Görlach; Istvan Bart 2016: The EU in Turbulence: What are the Implications for EU Climate and Energy Policy? Views from Member States. Ecologic Institute: Berlin
Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils and Benjamin Görlach 2016: The EU in Turbulence: What are the Implications for EU Climate and Energy Policy? Ecologic Institute: Berlin.
The EU in Turbulence – Implications for EU Climate and Energy Policy
- Duration
- Funding
Stiftung Mercator, Germany
Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils; Ralph Bodle; Matthias Duwe (2017): EU Climate Policies for the 21st Century: The Case for a Strong EU Long-term Target and a Robust Review. Ecologic Institute: Berlin.
Hudson, Christian 2015: A Think Piece on Achieving Europe's Goals at a Time of Economic Crisis. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils 2015: An Effective Governance System for 2030 EU Climate and Energy Policy: Design and Requirements. Discussion Paper. Berlin.
Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils 2015: Can the European Council impose consensus on EU climate policies? Discussion Paper. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.
Workshop:Reforming the EU: What Role for Climate and Energy Policies? – Bucharest
- Date
- Location
- Bucharest, Romania
Workshop:Reforming the EU: What Role for Climate and Energy Policies? – Tallinn
- Date
- Location
- Tallinn, Estonia
Meyer-Ohlendorf, Nils 2018: Reforming the EU: What Role for Climate and Energy Policies in a Reformed EU? Discussion Paper for the Working Group Meeting on 24 April 2018. Ecologic Institute: Berlin.
Future of the EU: What Role for Climate and Energy Policies?
- Duration
- Funding
Stiftung Mercator, Germany
Reforming the EU: Climate Policies as the New Trade Mark of the EU
- Duration
- Funding