Towards a Harmonised Methodology for Statistical Indicators – 2017 Edition
Part 3 – Relevance of Indicators for Policy Making
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Kotzeva, Mariana et al. (ed.) 2017: Towards a harmonised methodology for statistical indicators. Part 3 – Relevance of Indicators for Policy Making. [eurostat Statistical books 2017 edition]. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
Ecologic Institute co-authored the guideline 'Relevance of indicators for policy making' which is the third and final publication in the Eurostat's series 'Towards a harmonised methodology for statistical indicators'. This guideline complements the aforementioned by taking a closer look at how indicators, which take up an increasingly prominent role in the political sphere, can improve policy making by providing examples from theory and practice. It also puts forward recommendations for researchers and experts on how create indicators that are relevant, and points out the potential stumbling blocks of using indicators to guide political processes. The guideline is available for download.
The first two publications, 'Indicator typologies and terminologies' and 'Communicating through indicators' established the different characteristics and typologies of indicators and the theoretical and practical aspects of communicating with indicators, respectively. Both were mainly focused on answering questions related to methodology.