Risc-Kit Report

Potential Prevention, Mitigation and Preparedness Measures for Each Case Study Site


Segnestam L. and Johannessen Å. (2015). Potential prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures for each case study site. Unpublished report (deliverable D4.1) RISC-KITProject.

This report summarizes the potential prevention, mitigation, and preparedness measures for each of the eleven case studies included in RISC-KIT (Resilience – Increasing Strategies for Coasts – ToolKit). It includes a discussion with case study owners about potential measures as well as the identification and presentation of the measures according to what Disaster Risk Management (DRM) phase and dimension of disaster they address. Furthermore the report takes the nature of the measure into consideration.

Moreover this report describes measures that are planned, in construction/ongoing, or implemented in the case study areas. This should improve the understanding of the issues that are already covered and show the remaining gaps. Potential contributions of RISC-KIT to plans and processes are analyzed in each case study.

More content from this project

Lisa Segnestam, (SEI)
Åse Johannessen, (SEI)

Nataliya Andreeva (Institute of Oceanology)

Clara Armaroli (Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche)

Gael Arnaud (LIENSs CNRS/Université de La Rochelle)

Xavier Bertin (LIENSs CNRS/Université de La Rochelle)

Annelies Bolle (International Marine and Dredging Consultants)

Benjamin Boteler (Ecologic Institute)

Paolo Ciavola (Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche)

Susana Costas (University of Algarve)

Enrico Duo (Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche)

Óscar Ferreira (University of Algarve)

José A. Jimenez (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech)

Zoritza Kiresiewa (Ecologic Institute)

Anna McIvor (University of Cambridge)

Nicola Rebora (CIMA Research Foundation)

Guntram Seiß (Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau)

Steven Smets (International Marine and Dredging Consultants)

Thomas Spencer (University of Cambridge)

Nico Stelljes (Ecologic Institute)

Mohammad Muslem Uddin (University of Chittagong)

Nikolay Valchev (Institute of Oceanology)

Herminia I. Valdemoro (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech)

81 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
adaptation, risk reduction, coasts, storms, climate change, sustainability, stakeholder engagement, policy integration, knowledge transfer, environmental governance, ethnographic studies, interviews, indicators
Italy, Germany, Sweden, France, UK, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria, Belgium, Bangladesh

Source URL: https://www.ecologic.eu/14802