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Diffuse Sources in the PRTR – Legal Support


Ecologic Institute offers legal support to the client to ensure that provisions of international and European law are met if data concerning the release of pollutants from diffuse sources is collected for the German and European Pollutant release and transfer registers (PRTR).

Pollutant release and transfer registers (PRTR) are a cost-effective instrument to improve the public access to information on polutant release and transfer. International public law and European law oblige Germany to also report data on the release of pollutants from diffuse sources and to compile them in the German register. On behalf of the Federal Environment Agency the client develops a procedure to determine a data modell for the illustration of diffuse sources in the German PRTR. Ecologic Institute handles the legal questions that appear during the implementation of obligations from public international law and European law and the application of the relatively new German provisions.

Gesa Homann LLM
Project ID
PRTR, International Environmental Law, EU-Environmental Law, Environmental Law, Pollutant Release Register, Public

Source URL: https://www.ecologic.eu/14616