©Hendrik Silbermann (ARTWORKs)

Wangeliner Workcamps – A green idea of future


This project oversees the organization of workcamps for German youth interested in green professions during vacations in 2016-2018. Participation in the one week long vocational camps in Wangelin, Mecklenburg is free of charge. Themes of the workcamps include the construction of mudbrick buildings, murals, ecologically-oriented architecture, clay ovens, upcycling, renewable energy and organic gardening. Registration to the workcamps in 2018 is now available on the project website.

Ecologic Institute supports the Verein zur Förderung ökologisch-ökonomisch angemessener Lebensverhältnisse westlich des Plauer Sees e.V. (FAL) in its press and public relations for the workcamps.

The project is supported by the German Federal Environment Ministry and the European Social Fund (ESF) through the program “Berufsbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung befördern. Über grüne Schlüsselkompetenzen zu klima- und ressourcenschonendem Handeln im Beruf – BBNE". The project aims to promote key green competencies in professional life and activities.

Download: Wangeliner Workcamps Flyer 2018 [PDF, German]


More content from this project

Saraniya Nageswaran
Karl Lehmann
Christian Bruhn
Project ID
environmental education, green, profession, youth, sustainability, career guidance, workcamp, mudbrick buildings, murals, ecologically-oriented architecture, clay ovens, up-cycling, renewable energy, organic gardening
public relations, press, communication strategy, website, social media

Source URL: https://www.ecologic.eu/14104