McGlynn, Emily; Sandra Cavalieri; Andrew Reid; et. al. 2011: Executive Summary: Opportunities and Challenges in the EU and US for Marine Governance Integration.
- Language
- Authorship
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General for External Relations (DG Relex), International - Year
- Dimension
- 17 pp.
- Project
- Project ID
- Table of contents
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1 Introduction
2 The European Union
2.1 Coordination among the EU and its Member States
2.2 Coordination within Member States
2.3 Coordination with international organizations and third parties
2.4 Coordination with stakeholders
3 The United States
3.1 Coordination among federal agencies
3.2 Coordination among states and regions
3.3 Coordination with regional neighbors
3.4 Coordination with stakeholders
4 Shared challenges and opportunities for cooperation
4.1 Summary of opportunities and challenges in the EU and in the US
4.2 Common opportunities
4.3 Common challenges
5 References - Keywords
EU, USAEurope, North-America
Reid, Andrew; Sandra Cavalieri; Emily McGlynn 2011: A Comparison: EU and US Ocean Policy. Executive Summary.
Cavalieri, Sandra; Emily McGlynn; Ralph Piotrowski et. al. 2011: A Comparison: EU and US Ocean Policy.
Reid, Andrew; Sandra Cavalieri 2011: Policy brief: Policy recommendations for improved EU and US cooperation in maritime governance.
Cavalieri, Sandra; Andrew Reid; Sarah Lang et. al. 2011: Policy recommendations for improved EU and US cooperation in maritime governance.
Cantral, Laura; Elizabeth Lee; Ingrid Irigoyen; et. al. 2011: Opportunities and Challenges in the EU and US for Marine Governance Integration.