
Ecologic supports Environment-Friendly Innovation Award 2005 of Legambiente, Italy


legambienteEvery year, the Italian environmental organisation Legambiente Lombardia gives recognition to private and public enterprises for their innovation of environment-friendly technologies, products, services, and management systems. This year, Ecologic supports the Innovation Award in order to help raise international outlook, awareness and participation. Legambiente is the largest environmental NGO in Italy. Through the Environment Friendly Innovation Award Legambiente and Regione Lombardia, together with Luigi Bocconi University and the Politecnico of Milan, intend to encourage and support all innovative initiatives aimed at improving the environment.



The Innovation Award is targeted at both private companies and public corporations adopting environmental friendly policies through the development of eco-compatible know-how and technologies.

The ultimate aim of the Environment Friendly Innovation Award is to create a favourable context for environmental research and exchange. This should encourage and support those businesses able to conceive the environment no longer as a constraint but as a value and as a business opportunity helping in the development and growth of the entire community.

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