National Innovation System of Water in Germany
- Publication
- Citation
Borowietz, Mirjam; R. Andreas Kraemer 1998: National Innovation System of Water in Germany. Paper in the Research Project "Interactions between the Management of the Urban Water Cycle and Environmental Technologies in a Sustainable Development Perspective". Berlin.
Borowietz, Mirjam; R. Andreas Kraemer 1998: National Innovation System of Water in Germany. Paper in the Research Project "Interactions between the Management of the Urban Water Cycle and Environmental Technologies in a Sustainable Development Perspective". Berlin.
- Language
- Authorship
Mirjam Borowietz
- Funding
European Commission, Directorate-General Research (DG Research), International - Year
- Dimension
- 38 pp.
- Project
- Project ID
- Table of contents
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1 Introduction to the German Water NIS
2 Institutional Elements of the Water NIS in Germany
2.1 Authorities and Support Mechanism
2.1.1 National Authorities
2.1 .2 State (Lander) Authorities
2.1.3 Research Institutions
2.2 Main Industrial Institutions and Consultants
2.2.1 Water Utilities
2.2.2 Technology Supplier
2.2.3 Consultants
2.3 Main Intermediary Institutions
2.3.1 Public and Professional Associations
2.3.2 Education and Training
2.3.3 Standardisation
3 Decision-Making about Water Technology in Germany
3.1 The Co-ordination of Science and Technical Efforts
3.1.1 R&D Collaboration
• 3.1.2 Innovation and Diffusion
3.2 History of Water Technology in Germany
3.3 Technology Development Process form the Actors Perspectives
3.3.1 Technology Development Process form the Government's Perspective
• 3.3.2 Technology Development Process form Water Industries Perspectives
3.3.3 Attitude of Public towards Science and Technology
3.4 Soft versus Hard Innovations
3.5 The Basis for Public Contracts
4 Objectives and Programmes of Water-Related Technology Policy in Germany
4.1 Objectives of German Innovation Policy in the Water Field
4.2 Main Programmes
5 Financial Mechanisms for Water-Related Innovation
5.1 Financial Input for the Innovation Process
5.1.1 Public Financing
5.1.2 Private Financing
6 Outcome: Invention, Innovation on the Market and Diffusion
6.1 Invention, Innovation, Adaptation and Diffusion
6.2 Expor[ Performance of the German Water Industry
6.2.1 Export Performance of Technology Producers
6.3 Performance Indicators such as Patents
7 Summary
8 Bibliography
Case studies
Water saving — technology and management
Influencing Farming practices in Water protection zones
Pilot project Lübeck
R&D in the Berlin waterworks
Table 1: Sector specific major research organisations
Table 2: Associations of Consulting Engineers
Table 3: PtWI promotion for the different special fields in million DM
Table 4: Financial support through the Deutsche Ausgleichsbank
Table 5: Patents applications by applicants of the respective country for treatment of water and sewage
Figure 1: Comparison of German, French and UK Exports of Water and Wastewater Technology - Keywords
1999: R & D and Water Management Systems in a Perspective of Sustainable Development. (Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy). INGU / Economie et Humanisme / Ecologic / Leeds Metropolitan University / CUDEM / Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi / IEFE / ASP.
Kahlenborn, Walter; R. Andreas Kraemer 1998: Sustainable Water Management in Germany. Identification of Non-Sustainable Trends, Recommendations for Action. Berlin.
Kraemer, R. Andreas; Walter Kahlenborn 1996: Sustainable Water Management in Germany. An Overview for the International Symposium 'SustainabIe Water Management' Bonn, 8-9 October 1996. Berlin.
Kraemer, R. Andreas; Ralph Piotrowski 1998: Comparison of Water Prices in Europe. Summary Report. A Contribution to the Research Projects: R&D and Water Management Systems, Research Contract ENV4-CT96-0189, European Commission, Directorate-General 12 (Research), Water 21: Toward Sustainable European Water Management, Research Contract ENV4-CT96-0196, European Commission, Directorate-General 12 (Research).
Piotrowski, Ralph; R. Andreas Kraemer 1998: Financial Capacity of the Water Sector and Water Prices in Europe – A Comparison. Paper in the Research Project "Interactions between the Management of the Urban Water Cycle and Environmental Technologies in a Sustainable Development Perspective".