Sustainable Water Management in Germany?
Sustainable Water Management in Germany?
An Overview for the International Symposium 'SustainabIe Water Management' Bonn, 8-9 October 1996
- Publication
- Citation
Kraemer, R. Andreas; Walter Kahlenborn 1996: Sustainable Water Management in Germany. An Overview for the International Symposium 'SustainabIe Water Management' Bonn, 8-9 October 1996. Berlin.
Kraemer, R. Andreas; Walter Kahlenborn 1996: Sustainable Water Management in Germany. An Overview for the International Symposium 'SustainabIe Water Management' Bonn, 8-9 October 1996. Berlin.
R. Andreas Kraemer
Founder and Director Emeritus, Ecologic Institute
Visiting Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor, Duke University
Initiator and Convenor, Arctic Summer College