
Regional Cooperation in the Context of the 2030 Governance Framework

Berlin, Germany
Katharina Umpfenbach

In the debates about the new climate and energy framework for 2030 and the proposed Energy Union, the European Commission and the Council call for increased regional cooperation between Member States. In addition to strengthening the internal market, this cooperation is meant to facilitate the implementation of the EU 2030 energy efficiency and renewable targets. Both are defined for the Union as a whole, but not for single Member States. On 17 June 2015, Katharina Umpfenbach presented the working paper "Regional cooperation in the context of the new 2030 energy governance" in Berlin that takes a closer look at the existing landscape of regional institutions in the European electricity sector to explore their potential contribution to an effective furture governance framework. The presentation is available for download.

As more electrons travel though interconnectors and price effects ripple through regionally coupled markets, national decisions on the fuel mix are leading to ever greater cross-border impacts. At the same time, Member States governments are requesting greater national flexibility in implementing the 2030 energy targets. Presumably as a means to address this tension, the European Commission and the Council call for a new governance system to "foster regional cooperation between Member States". But what would this regional cooperation look like in practice? What could be its specific contribution to achieving the 2030 targets?

With the aim of contributing to this debate, the presentation summarises results from an analysis of the existing institutional landscape for regional cooperation in Europe [pdf, 0.8 MB, English], focusing on the electricity sector. It argues that the existing regional initiatives provide a valuable starting point for addressing the EU's energy policy objectives, but need to be adapted to fully serve the objectives of establishing an effective 2030 governance system and – in the long-run – decarbonising the European power system. If the political will is there, mandates could be extended to include cooperation on renewable energy and even low-carbon strategies more broadly. However, regional cooperation is unlikely to realign diverging national energy objectives that hindered a consistent EU-28 approach in the first place. The success of cooperation will depend on the political and economic incentives facing Member State governments. A requirement for all member states to formulate national or regional RES targets would provide a strong incentive. In addition, the EU could foresee financial support where regions cooperate and deliver guidance on how to systematically address RES integration and expansion in a regional context.

The working paper was presented at a Climate Strategy conference entitled "The 2020 Strategy Experience: Lessons for Regional Cooperation, EU Governance and Investment".


Regional cooperation in the EU energy market is progressing well, but further incentives are needed to ensure it contributes to renewable energy built-up and climate change mitigation.

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Katharina Umpfenbach
Berlin, Germany
Project ID
2030 climate and energy framework, energy union, Internal energy market, regional cooperation, renewable energy, EU

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