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How to apply at Ecologic Institute?

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How to apply at Ecologic Institute?

1. Online Application

You can apply very easily at Ecologic Institute.

We are offering you a detailed description of all relevant criteria for your application as well as the opportunity to apply online. At you will find all advertised positions.

Please, submit your application using the application form placed in our job advertisements.

You will find a link to the application form in the sidebar of every job advertisement. It covers just one page - so there is no need to register on our website or pausing the application. The application form ensures equal conditions for every applicant. That is the reason why we will only accept applications via our application form on our website. Please, do NOT apply by mail or email.

The application form will ask you for the following documents:

  • a letter of motivation that illustrates, why you are the optimum candidate for Ecologic Institute (2 pages maximum)
  • a CV that describes your current activities, your previous activities, your educational achievements and your individual competencies (3 pages maximum)
  • certificates that verify your qualifications and activities mentioned in your CV

If you apply for a scientific position, you should also submit two writing samples:

  • a writing sample in German (20 pages maximum)
  • a writing sample in English (20 pages maximum)

We accept every kind of scientific paper as a writing sample - as long as it was written by yourself. For example, the writing sample can be a seminar paper, an article or an extract of your thesis. If you cannot deliver a writing paper in both languages, please upload an empty document instead of the missing document.

Please keep in mind that you will need to hand in certificates for qualifications that are obligatory for a special position. For example, this could be a reference declaring that an internship is mandatory by the curriculum of your studies.

2. Screening

You will be notified if you have submitted your application successfully.

As soon as we have received your application, we will notify you with a confirmation of receipt. Of course we will try to review your application as soon as possible, but this process may take a while. If we have not notified you within 4 weeks, feel free to get in touch with us again. We kindly ask to refrain from early requests.

We will keep you up-to-date.

In case your application arouses our interest and your application was forwarded to the relevant team, we will send you an interim notification including the status of your application. Please, get in touch with us if your availability has changed. If we cannot offer you a job at the moment -despite the fact that your application documents were convincing- we will archive your application in our candidate database for a limited period of time (only after your approval).

3. Personal interviews

We are looking forward to getting to know you!

Your application was convincing and there is an opportunity for you to get recruited by one of our teams - then we would like to talk to you about your expectations and your background. We will set up a call or a video conference with you and at least one of our HR Managers (if necessary there will be a scientist participating, too). Accordingly we appreciate it if you communicate your phone number or your Skype name with your application.

Your skills should convince us!

Your application and your attitude meet our expectations, but your skills should be convincing, too. Therefore we will invite you to a personal introduction to the headquarters of Ecologic Institute in Berlin-Wilmersdorf. The personal introduction includes two components:

  1. an interview that will be guided by at least one scientist and one HR Manager
  2. a written test that is meant to give us an idea of your working style and that will not last longer than an hour

The interview should be no hurdle for you, instead it should function as an honour and as a challenge for you. We will only ask questions and arrange tasks that occure regularly in your day-to-day work routine, so there will be several occasions for you to convince us.

Get to know your future team!

We will offer you an optional team meet-and-greet: You are invited to attend your future team for half a day, so you are able to get to know the teammates and their daily work routine. Finally there will be the opportunity to have lunch with your prospective team and to finish the team meet-and-greet in a convival atmosphere.