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Ecologic Institute


The International Sustainability Network


Ecoscholars was an initiative of international scholars coordinated by the Ecologic Institute. It was a discussion and networking group located in Berlin. Its members were international researchers, scholars, fellows, and professionals who were involved in climate change, energy, sustainability, and other related environmental fields.

Ecoscholars provided an opportunity for members to get to know each other and discuss and learn about topics they were particularly interested in. In addition, it offered a chance to meet other Berlin-based academics, environmental professionals, members of the business and NGO communities, and government officials and policy makers - both domestic and foreign. Event topics were guided by the interests of the group members.

Ecoscholars operated on a traditional academic calendar, with its kick-off event for "newcomers" during the fall. The formats ranged from formal events (for example at an embassy or a research institute) to informal tours and gatherings (for example in a relaxed environment over a glass of wine or soda). Each month, Ecoscholars hosted an informal 'Berlin Stammtisch', where members of the network could meet and discuss their work in an relaxed setting. Each month the Stammtisch was opened with a brief talk on an array of issues by an environmental academic or professional.

Ecoscholars membership was free. Members received periodic invitations to events via email and reminders about the monthly Stammtisch. Members of the Ecoscholars network were encouraged to help plan and host their own Ecoscholars events.

Events included the following:

  • 22 June 2017: Stammtisch: New York's Water System
  • 11 May 2017: Stammtisch: Arguments Matter - Framing Renewable Energy
  • 5 April 2017: Stammtisch: Why Soil Matters
  • 22 March 2017: Event: Research Tourism with Dr. Danni Gilroy (OpWall)
  • 28 February 2017: Event: Creative Responses to Sustainability with Yasmine Ostendorf
  • 28 November 2016: Film Screening and Panel Discussion: Are We Living in the Age of Consequences
  • 25 October 2016: Event: Serious Gaming with Sim4Act
  • 14 July 2016: Tour: Berlin Botanical Garden Seed Bank
  • 24 June 2016: Tour: ECF Farmsystems Aquaponics Farm
  • 15 March 2016: Stammtisch: Should we be optimistic about tackling climate change?
  • 14 January 2016: Lecture: Disruptive Oil Futures - Amory Lovins in Berlin
  • 19 November 2015: Event: 2015-2016 Kickoff - What to expect from COP21
  • 21 October 2015: Event: "Serious Gaming" with Dr. Laurent Bontoux of the JRC
  • 6 June 2015: Event: Hoffest at Brodowin Ökodorf and Organic Farm
  • 30 May 2015: Event: Tour of Local Berlin Beehives with Beekeeper, Nils Simon
  • 22 April 2015: Stammtisch: Solar Geoengineering
  • 7 April 2015: Event: Craig Morris - "Targets - What are they good for?"
  • 18 March 2015: Stammtisch: Gone Fishin' - Common Fisheries Policy Overview
  • 18 February 2015: Stammtisch: TTIP and Food Safety Regulations
  • 21 January 2015: Stammtisch: Combating Climate Change Denial
  • 17 December 2014: Stammtisch: "What's Happening on the High Seas?"
  • 28 October 2014: Event: 2014-2015 Ecoscholars Kick Off
  • 18 March 2014: Event: Energy, Complexity and Governance
  • 3 March 2014: Event: Urban Mobility and Transportation Planning
  • 1 December 2013: Event: 'Friendsgiving' with Slow Food Youth Berlin
  • 29 October 2013: Event: 2013-2014 Kick Off - Energy Policy in Germany
  • 30 July 2013: Stammtisch: Garden Drinks with Ecoscholars
  • 28 June 2013: Event: EUREF and InnoZ Innovation Campus Tour
  • 18 April 2013: The Future of Fisheries
  • 28 February 2013: February Drinks with Ecoscholars
  • 27 November 2012: Arctic Talk with the Embassy of Canada
  • 23 October 2012: 2012-2013 Kick-Off Event: Germany's Energy Policy
  • 14 June 2012: Ecoscholars Meet and Greet at Prinzessinnengärten Cafe
  • 11 April 2012: Earth Debates Live-Screening: Food Security
  • 14 March 2012: Earth Debates Live-Screening: Green Cities in a Green Economy
  • 16 February 2012: Global Climate Policy After Durban
  • 1 November 2011: 2011-2012 Kickoff Event: Germany’s Nuclear Endgame
  • 21 October 2011: Event: An Overview of the Clearingstelle EEG
  • 25 August 2011: Event: Micromorph Solar Technology in Berlin
  • 26 May 2011: Ecuadorian initiative to protect climate and biodiversity
  • 28 April 2011: Event: The Importance of Policy in Fostering the Market for Renewable Energy Technologies
  • 24 February 2011: Event: The State of International Climate Negotiations After Cancún: Prospects for Progress and Potential Challenges


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