Effectiveness of Current Policy Frameworks in Mitigating Climate-induced Risks Relating to Human Security and Conflict (UN)
Fallstudie über die Vereinten Nationen
- Publikation
- Zitiervorschlag
McGlade, Katriona und Elizabeth Tedsen 2012: Effectiveness of current policy frameworks in mitigating climate-induced risks relating to human security and conflict - case study on the United Nations. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Diese Fallstudie über die Vereinten Nationen ist ein Beitrag zur Studie "The Effectiveness of Policy Frameworks for Addressing Climate-induced Risks to Human Security and Conflict". Die Fallstudie [pdf, 446 KB, Englisch] steht als Download zur Verfügung.
- Sprache
- Autorenschaft
Elizabeth Tedsen JD
- Jahr
- Umfang
- 34 S.
- Projekt
- Projekt-ID
- Inhaltsverzeichnis
Gesamtes Inhaltsverzeichnis
- Introduction
- United Nations context
- Overview of the policy framework
- Effectiveness of the current policy framework
4.1 Institutional strengths
4.1.1 Information collection and sharing
4.1.2 Capacity-building
4.1.3 Cooperation
4.1.4 Raising awareness
4.2 Institutional challenges
4.2.1 Time frames
4.2.2 Institutional coordination
4.2.3 National frameworks
4.2.4 Funding - Expectations and demands
5.1 Information collection and sharing
5.2 Capacity-building
5.3 Cooperation
5.4 Institutional coordination - Insights on human security, climate change and water
- Insights on conflict, climate change and water
- Conclusions
Annex: List of interviewees
- Schlüsselwörter
KonfliktUN, Vereinte Nationen
Klimawandel, Wasserkonflikte und menschliche Sicherheit (CLICO)
- Dauer
- Finanzierung
Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Forschung & Innovation (GD Forschung & Innovation), International
Gerstetter, Christiane; Katriona McGlade; Rodrigo Vidaurre et al. 2012: The effectiveness for policy frameworks for addressing climate-induced risks to human security and conflict - report on stakeholder perspectives and demands (short version). Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Gerstetter, Christiane; Katriona McGlade; Rodrigo Vidaurre et al. 2012: The effectiveness of policy frameworks for addressing climate-induced risks to human security and conflict - Report on stakeholder perspectives and demands. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.
Gerstetter, Christiane et al. 2011: Review of policies on climate change, water conflicts and human security. Ecologic Institut, Berlin.