Brief on Policy Recommendations for Research
NETGREEN Deliverable 4.4
- Publikation
- Zitiervorschlag
Beça, Pedro; Rui Santos, Marius Hasenheit 2015: Brief on Policy Recommendations for Research. NETGREEN deliverable 4.4.
Beça, Pedro; Rui Santos, Marius Hasenheit 2015: Brief on Policy Recommendations for Research. NETGREEN deliverable 4.4.
- Sprache
- Autorenschaft
Marius HasenheitPedro BeçaRui Santos
- Credits
With contributions by:
Lucas Porsch, Ecologic Institute
Terri Kafyeke, Ecologic Institute
Floor Brouwer, LEI Wageningen UR- Finanzierung
Europäische Kommission, Generaldirektion Forschung & Innovation (GD Forschung & Innovation), International - Jahr
- Umfang
- 40 S.
- Projekt
- Projekt-ID
- Inhaltsverzeichnis
Gesamtes Inhaltsverzeichnis
1 Introduction
1.1 NETGREEN and the role of this report
1.2 Objectives of this gap and recommendations report
1.3 Report’s structure
2 Database analysis
2.1 The thematic structure
2.1.1 The mind map
2.1.2 The policy topics
2.2 Methodology
2.3 Database content analysis
2.4 Gaps between policy reports and the database content
2.4.1 Keywords
2.4.2 Indicators
2.5 Analysis of geographical coverage
3 User feedback
4 Research Recommendations
5 References - Schlüsselwörter
Nachhaltigkeit, Entwicklung, Governance, Policy Assessment, EU-Umwelt, Green Growth, Green Economy, BIP, WohlfahrtsmessungEuropa, Global
Porsch, Porsch; Terri Kafyeke; Jiayi Yuan 2015: How to measure the Sustainable Development Goals in Central Europe? NETGREEN Policy Brief No. 2 / 4 August 2015 Deliverable D4.2
NETGREEN consortium 2015: Explore Green Economy Indicators. Available online: