Assessing the Economic Impacts of Soil Degradation
Assessing the Economic Impacts of Soil Degradation
Volume Ill: Empirical Estimation of the Impacts
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Görlach, B., R. Landgrebe-Trinkunaite, E. Interwies, M. Bouzit, D. Darmendrail and J.-D. Rinaudo (2004): Assessing the Economic Impact of Soil Degradation. Volume IV: Executive Summary. Study commissioned by The European Commisson, DG Environment, Sudy Contract ENV.B.1/ETU/2003/0024. Berlin: Ecologic
Görlach, B., R. Landgrebe-Trinkunaite, E. Interwies, M. Bouzit, D. Darmendrail and J.-D. Rinaudo (2004): Assessing the Economic Impact of Soil Degradation. Volume IV: Executive Summary. Study commissioned by The European Commisson, DG Environment, Sudy Contract ENV.B.1/ETU/2003/0024. Berlin: Ecologic