- Baltadapt Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region - Publication
- Assessment of Climate Change Policies in the Context of the European Semester - Country Reports
- European Adaptation Newsletter - Publication
- Climate Change, Water Conflicts and Human Security - Publication
- Strategic Support for the OSPAR Regional Economic and Social Analysis - Publication
- Biomethane Injection into Natural Gas Networks - Publication
- Ecologic University Course on Science-based Policy Advice - Lecture
- Fostering a Community of Transatlantic Leaders - Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program
Ecologic Newsletter No 132 - September 2013
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Baltadapt Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region - Publication
- Assessment of Climate Change Policies in the Context of the European Semester - Country Reports
- European Adaptation Newsletter - Publication
- Climate Change, Water Conflicts and Human Security - Publication
- Strategic Support for the OSPAR Regional Economic and Social Analysis - Publication
- Biomethane Injection into Natural Gas Networks - Publication
- Ecologic University Course on Science-based Policy Advice - Lecture
- Fostering a Community of Transatlantic Leaders - Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program
Baltadapt Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region - Publication
The Baltadapt Strategy and its accompanying Action Plan on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region were launched and presented during the final Baltadapt Conference. The aim of the Baltadapt Strategy is a connected region with informed actors on all levels, where the specific objective of the Action Plan is to strengthen the capacity for adaptation action at all relevant levels and to enhance adaptive capacity in the region. Both documents are available for download.
Assessment of Climate Change Policies in the Context of the European Semester - Country Reports
This collection of country reports assesses climate and energy policies in all 28 Members States of the European Union (EU). The reports were jointly produced by Ecologic Institute and eclareon to support the Directorate General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA) of the European Commission in its contributions to the European Semester. Covering the period between May 2012 and January 2013, the reports provide insight into national policy developments and progress towards the achievement of the EU’s climate and energy targets. The reports are available for download.
European Adaptation Newsletter - Publication
The electronic newsletter, published in English, includes stories on the latest findings of the BASE project (Bottom-Up Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe), along with information on other key developments related to climate change adaptation in Europe. Furthermore, the newsletter includes a number of recurring features. These include the 'Adaptation Dialogues', chronicling the perspectives and experiences of local level stakeholders implementing adaptation activities, as well as the 'Adaptation Snapshots', images from around Europe of adaptation in action. The first issue of the 'European Adaptation Newsletter' is available online. Subscription to the twice-yearly newsletter is possible at the BASE website.
Climate Change, Water Conflicts and Human Security: Regional Assessment and Policy Guidelines for the Mediterranean, Middle East and Sahel - Publication
Climate change has and will continue to have far-reaching impacts on environmental, social and economic conditions. Increasingly, climate change and the associated increase in the frequency of extreme weather events such as floods, droughts and rising sea level is recognized as not only having humanitarian impacts, but also creating political and security risks that can affect national/regional stability and the welfare of people. This has led to increased political interest in the influence of climate change on water availability and human security. Specifically, it remains contested whether climatic and hydrological changes and increasing variabilities trigger and multiply conflict at various scales, or if they induce cooperation between and within countries. The report is available for download.
Strategic Support for the OSPAR Regional Economic and Social Analysis - Publication
Ecologic Institute and partner institutes helped the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR) to strengthen the understanding of the economic and social impacts of the use of the marine environment. In doing so, the consortium supported the ongoing implementation of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in the North-East Atlantic and provided input to OSPAR's 15 Contracting Governments for their respective socio-economic analyses, which the Directive requires. The project study is available for download.
Biomethane Injection into Natural Gas Networks - Publication
Biomethane is a flexible and easily storable fuel that can be used wherever natural gas is used without the need to change any settings on equipment designed to use natural gas. In regions where a natural gas grid already exists, there is a ready-made system for the distribution of biomethane. In chapter 16 of the Biogas Handbook, Ecologic Institute's Dr. Wolfgang Urban briefly introduces the legal framework and technical standards of biomethane feed-in to the German gas network.
Ecologic University Course on Science-based Policy Advice - Lecture
What does policy advice mean in practice? How does science-based policy advice work and where are the problems and challenges? These and other questions were discussed by Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers and Timo Kaphengst within a teaching assignment at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences. Some 40 Bachelor's degree students participated in the seminar, which was split into three two-day blocks.
Fostering a Community of Transatlantic Leaders - Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program
The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program is a distinguished transatlantic initiative that offers fifteen accomplished Americans the opportunity to complete a comprehensive professional development program in Germany. The Bosch Fellowship is comprised of three main components: customized work placements, professional seminars, and German language training. Ecologic Institute is always happy to host Bosch Fellows. Further information is available at Ecologic Institute's website.
IMPRINT: http://ecologic.eu/legal-notice
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN: 1613-1363
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