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Ecologic Newsletter No 7 - October 2003

Ecologic Newsletter No 7 - October 2003

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. International comparison of water management systems
  2. Intellectual Property Rights Regimes and the Conservation of Genetic Resources
  3. The Economic Analysis according to the WFD: Status of Implementation
  4. Publication on Environmental Liability
  5. Ecologic Brief - The European Consitution
  6. Ecologic Brief - Energy Policy in the Constitutional Treaty
  7. The thirsty planet - Series on the future of water
  8. Institute for European Environmental Policy London has moved

1. International comparison of water management systems

On 15 October 2003, Wenke Hansen, one of the main authors of the comparative study on the international water sector, presented some key messages of this study. On the occasion of the publication of the study in 5 volumes and the European Commission’s Communication on the Internal Market Strategy the Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour (BAK) and the Austrian Association of Cities had invited to the event at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the European Union in Brussels "Liberalisation of water for Europe’s citizens? - The Internal Market Strategy in the light of European experiences".

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2. Intellectual Property Rights Regimes and the Conservation of Genetic Resources

The study on the Inter-Relations between Intellectual Property and the Conservation of Genetic Resources has been published now on the CBD Homepage. The study involved researching a range of global, regional and national laws and policies, and assessing these in the context of several commercial sectors. The European Commission has submitted this study as an information document for the second meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Access and Benefit Sharing, to be held from 1-5 December 2003 in Montreal.

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3. The Economic Analysis according to the WFD: Status of Implementation

Ecologic is organising an international workshop on the “Economic Analysis according to the EU Water Framework Directive: Present status of Implementation” that will take place on 20 – 21 November 2003 on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). The workshop is intended to further the exchange on national approaches for the Economic Analysis 2004 at a point in time at which improvements and adjustments based on the approaches chosen and experiences made in other countries are still possible. It addresses Member States and first Round Accession Countries. Further information can be found on the event's website.

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4. Publication on Environmental Liability

The interdisciplinary team of lawyers and economists, headed by Prof. Dr. Dr. Juliane Kokott and consisting of Dr. Axel Klaphake, Dr. Simon Marr, Dr. Peter Beyer and Ute Beckert, recently finalized its study on international, European and national liability systems in relation to ecological damages, i.e. damages to water, soil and biodiversity. The study was commissioned by the German Federal Environmental Agency.

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5. Ecologic Brief - The European Consitution

The news that “Europe is giving itself a constitution” made headlines in June 2003 when the Convention on the Future of Europe adopted the “Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe”, that is to be agreed and concluded by an Intergovernmental Conference (IGC). Ecologic published a Brief that gives an introduction to the future Constitution. It focuses on environmental perspectives of the new constitution in order to make an “environmental” contribution to the constitutional debate prior to the Inter-Governmental Conference.

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6. Ecologic Brief - Energy Policy in the Constitutional Treaty

In the past, energy policy in the European Union, used to fall under the responsibility of Member States. In the process of drafting the European Constitutional Treaty, the European Convention has, for the first time, facilitated a full European energy policy. Ecologic published a Brief on the energy chapter of the Constitutional Treaty and its implications for the future energy policy in Europe.

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7. The thirsty planet - Series on the future of water

R. Andreas Kraemer gave an interview for the program 'The thirsty planet - Series on the future of water', produced by the television station Deutsche Welle. Mr. Kraemer's interview responded to the question: Can technology help to secure humanity's water supply?

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8. Institute for European Environmental Policy London has moved

The IEEP, Ecologic's British partner in the Network of Institutes for European Environmental Policy has moved. We hope that our colleagues are happily settling in to their new surroundings.