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Umweltpolitik in Mittel- und Osteuropa


Umweltpolitik in Mittel- und Osteuropa

Analyse der EU-Osterweiterung


Homeyer, Ingmar von; Stefani Bär; Alexander Carius and Szilvia Deim 2001: Umweltpolitik in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Analyse der EU-Osterweiterung. [Beiträge zur Internationalen und Europäischen Umweltpolitik]. Berlin: Ecologic.


Ecologic experts completed a study on the state of environmental policy and the environmental law in Middle and East Europe on behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Environment. This revised version of the study outlines the status of European environmental laws from the summer of 2000 which have not yet been implemented.

From an environmental standpoint, the eastern expansion of the European Union presents a significant challenge to Middle and Eastern European countries. The accession negotiations in the area of environment are expected to be completed by 2004. At present the Union is negotiating with the Accession countries over the requested transition period to implement particular provisions of European environmental law. As the field of environmental protection consitutes one of the most complicated chapters of the negotiations, the need for financial and institutional capacity building is intensified. This book presents a comprehensive overview of the accession strategy of the European Union with regard to environmental policy in all of its facets, and it researches in addition the most important environmental problems faced in the current state and the development of environmental policy and law in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Estonia and Slovenia.


Stefani Bär
Alexander Carius
Szilvia Deim
Published by
342 pp.
Table of contents
Environment, Accession, European Union, Water, Air, Waste, Nature Conservation, Soil, Energy, Law, Instruments, Twinning, Eastern Enlargement, PHARE, ISPA, SAPARD, LIFE, Acquis communitaire
Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovenia