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Ecologic Newsletter No 6 - September 2003

Ecologic Newsletter No 6 - September 2003

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Ecologic in Cancún
  2. Climate protection and law
  3. Ecologic joins the Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development
  4. Greenhouse Gas Reductions - Action across the Atlantic
  5. Ecologic supports the Yearbook Ecology
  6. Simon Marr participates in Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance

1. Ecologic in Cancún

With 5 people Ecologic was present at the fifth WTO Ministerial Conference in Cancún. Especially against the background of Ecologic's CAT+E Conference they followed the negotiations closely and participated in a number of site events. In addition, Ecologic organised in cooperation with the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv) its own site event at which it presented its new Policy brief "Consumer Policy Instruments and Sustainable Development in International Law".

2. Climate protection and law

Simon Marr and Sebastian Oberthür have together with Christoph Bail co-authored a chapter which has been published in one of the leading German handbooks on European and German environmental law. The chapter, entitled "Climate protection and law", appears in the Handbuch zum europäischen und deutschen Umweltrecht, which is edited by Hans-Werner Rengeling.

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3. Ecologic joins the Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development

The Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development (BFSD) is an international network of grant-providing institutions striving to attain environmental balance, economic stability and social progress throughout the world. Ecologic joins the forum to contribute to programme development, notably on policy issues.

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4. Greenhouse Gas Reductions - Action across the Atlantic

Businesses, cities, states, universities and churches are striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to protect the Earth's climate. A new transatlantic survey by Michael Northrop reveals a multitude of initiatives, both in the U.S. and in Europe.

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5. Ecologic supports the Yearbook Ecology

The Yearbook Ecology 2004 will be published in the end of September 2003. Ecologic is one of the institutes supporting this yearbook. Like its predecessors, the Yearbook Ecology 2004 will present contributions on ecology that inform about trends in environmental pollution, analyze and criticize governmental environmental policy, document historical environmental events and draft visions of a sustainable world.

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6. Simon Marr participates in Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance

Simon Marr from Ecologic was selected to participate in the third Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance on 4 - 17 August 2003 in Hamburg, Germany.