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Ecologic Newsletter No 5 - August 2003

Ecologic Newsletter No 5 - August 2003

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Risks of Mobile Telecommunication
  2. Cost-effective Combination of Measures in the Framework of the Water Framework Directive
  3. Social Issues in Water Services
  4. Conference on the Global Governance of Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development
  5. New Fellow at Ecologic: Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf 
  6. New Interns: Alice von Bieberstein & Giulia Dal Co

1. Risks of Mobile Telecommunication

The book "Risks of Mobile Telecommunication" was published in the series "Studies of the Office for Technology Assessment at the German Parliament". Substantial parts of the book are based on a study conducted by Ecologic. The publication presents an analysis of the scientific and public discourse on the health risks of mobile phones and transmitters. Furthermore the book gives an overview of the regulatory framework conditions of mobile telecommunication.

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2. Cost-effective Combination of Measures in the Framework of the Water Framework Directive

In the framework of the project 'Guidelines for the selection of the most cost-effective combination of measures for the programme of measures according to article 11 of the Water Framework Directive' Ecologic and the Kassel University have compiled a manual, which is intended to provide support to decision-makers in water management in selecting the best possible combination of measures. The approaches will be discussed together with decision-makers and key players in water management at a workshop to be held in September 2003.

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3. Social Issues in Water Services

Ecologic experts on private sector participation and regulatory oversight in the water sector contribute to an OECD publication on "Social Issues in the Provision and Pricing of Water Services". In diesem Buch wird die Verknüpfung von Umweltbelangen und sozialen Aspekten in den Wasserpreispolitiken der OECD-Länder untersucht. This book explores the interface between environmental and social elements of water pricing policies in OECD countries.

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4. Conference on the Global Governance of Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development

A draft programme for the Berlin Conference "Moving Forward from Cancún" on the global governance of trade, environment and sustainable development is now available. The conference will be convened the 30-31 October 2003 by Ecologic in co-operation with the Task Force Global Issues of the German Federal Foreign Office. The conference takes place in the Europasaal of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. It will be the first major conference to follow the WTO Ministerial Conference at Cancún.

Here you can find the draft programme.

5. New Fellow at Ecologic: Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf

Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf joined Ecologic Legal in August 2003. He is specialised in European and international environmental law. Until recently he has worked for the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Unit "EU- Co-ordination".

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6. New Interns: Alice von Bieberstein & Giulia Dal Co 

Alice von Bieberstein and Giulia Dal Co joined the Ecologic staff and will be interns from August 2003 until January 2004. Alice von Bieberstein studied Environmental Management and Policy at the London School of Economics. In her undergraduate dissertation, she concentrated on the topic of animal transportation in Germany. Guilia Dal Co studied law at the faculty of "La Sapienza" University of Rome. In her thesis she examined the economic aspects of environmental liability.

Click here to read the CV of Alice von Bieberstein.

Here you can find the CV of Giulia Dal Co.