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Emission impossible

Emission impossible

Emission impossible


In its August issue the magazin "Neue Energie" has published an article on the
current developments of an EU emissions trading system. In this article Dr.
Simon Marr, among others, is cited on the architecture of this system. Together
with his colleague Axel Conrads he is working on the German draft law
implementing a German emissions trading system on behalf of the German Federal
Ministry for the Environment.

The European Parliament has decided: Starting in 2005, Europe will trade emission permits. Industry is now preparing  for it, after having shown initial resistance. But how will emission permits be distributed? In Germany many questions remain unanswered. A situation report.

Click here to read the entire German article.

Author: Hanne May
Published in: Neue Energie - Magazin für erneuerbare Energien Nr. 8 / 2003
Date of publiction: August 2003
Pages: 24-28
Language: German