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Environmental Liability

Environmental Liability

Environmental Liability


The overriding objective of this research project, called for in the Environmental Research Agenda of the German Federal Environmental Agency, is the analysis of existing liability regimes in the light of the further development of the European liability regime. Using an interdisciplinary research approach, both national liability regimes within and outside Europe and international regimes will be examined regarding the extent to which environmental damages can be compensated, the procedures and methods in existence for determining and calculating damage and compensation in theory and practice and the manner in which the compensation is carried out.

Upon this basis, taking into special consideration the White Paper on Environmental Liability of the European Commission, both suggestions for the further development of the Environmental Liability regime and methods for categorising and assessing environmental damage will be developed. In a parallel, consultative work unit regarding policy, the discussion ignited by the results of the expert "Study on Valuation and Restoration of Biodiversity Damage for the Purpose of Environmental Liability" commissioned by the European Commission, will be accompanied.

The results of this project have been published in a book.

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Dr. Simon Marr LLM
Richard Tarasofsky, LLM, LLB
Dr. Peter Beyer
Project ID
Environmental liability, loss adjustment, international conventions