- A European Union for Renewable Energy - Presentation and Discussion of the Study
- The Effectiveness of Policy Frameworks for Addressing Climate-induced Risks to Human Security and Conflict - CLICO Working Paper No. 10
- The Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the EU - Study
- Climate Change Financing – Study for the European Parliament
- Unconventional Oil - Opportunities and Risks - Event & Video
- US Department of State and Embassy of the United States in Berlin Support Transatlantic Knowledge-transfer for Climate Adaptation - Workshop
- Benchmarking of Water Suppliers – Recommendations from the Perspective of Water Bodies and Human Health - Event
- Science-Policy Interface and the Role of Impact Assessment in the Case of Biofuels - Publication
- Yearbook Ecology 2013 - Publication
- Science on Tour along the Baltic Sea Coast - Event
- Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff - Job Opportunity
Ecologic Newsletter No 119 - October 2012
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- A European Union for Renewable Energy - Presentation and Discussion of the Study
- The Effectiveness of Policy Frameworks for Addressing Climate-induced Risks to Human Security and Conflict - CLICO Working Paper No. 10
- The Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the EU - Study
- Climate Change Financing – Study for the European Parliament
- Unconventional Oil - Opportunities and Risks - Event & Video
- US Department of State and Embassy of the United States in Berlin Support Transatlantic Knowledge-transfer for Climate Adaptation - Workshop
- Benchmarking of Water Suppliers – Recommendations from the Perspective of Water Bodies and Human Health - Event
- Science-Policy Interface and the Role of Impact Assessment in the Case of Biofuels - Publication
- Yearbook Ecology 2013 - Publication
- Science on Tour along the Baltic Sea Coast - Event
- Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff - Job Opportunity
A European Union for Renewable Energy - Presentation and Discussion of the Study
On 23 October 2012, the Heinrich Böll Foundation will present and host of a discussion of the study "A European Union for Renewable Energy - Policy Options for Better Grids and Support Schemes." Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Partner of Ecologic Institute, and Susanne Langsdorf, Researcher at Ecologic Institute, will present the policy options identified by an expert group. Participation is free of charge, and registration is not required.
The Effectiveness of Policy Frameworks for Addressing Climate-induced Risks to Human Security and Conflict - CLICO Working Paper No. 10
Climate change will have clear physical consequences for our natural environment. The Mediterranean, Middle East, and Sahel (MMES) form a region under particular threat from, among other things, changes to rainfall patterns. Climate change may also have wider socio-political consequences for the region: it can undermine human security and create conflict over scarce water resources. A new study by Ecologic Institute investigates policies that MMES countries have developed to address the physical impacts of climate change on water and examines how effective these policies are for ensuring human security and reducing conflict. The study, a shortened version, and five case studies are available for download.
The Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in the EU - Study
In 2010, the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing. The Protocol sets forth rules on access to genetic resources. Among other purposes, research is a main driver of demand for genetic resources. Moreover, the protocol contains an obligation for Parties to ensure that the countries where the genetic resources are found and relevant indigenous communities in these countries are compensated for the use of genetic resources and related knowledge. Ecologic Institute is contributing to a study investigating the options for implementation of the Protocol at the EU level. The study is available for download.
Climate Change Financing – Study for the European Parliament
Industrialized countries have committed themselves to providing USD 100 billion of "new and additional" financing annually by the year 2020 to support developing countries in their efforts to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects. But what does "new and additional" mean? Where do development projects end and where do climate change measures start? These questions are tackled by Irene Knoke (Südwind Institute) in a study for the European Parliament. Matthias Duwe (Ecologic Institute) provided his expert opinion in a peer review of the paper. The study is available for download.
Unconventional Oil - Opportunities and Risks - Event & Video
On 12 September 2012, a Transatlantic Breakfast was held in the offices of Ecologic Institute, Berlin, on unconventional oils and their sources and the related impacts on climate change and supply security. The event, which was held in cooperation with the US Embassy in Berlin, featured Deborah Gordon, Nonresident Senior Associate in the Energy and Climate Program at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Deborah Gordon painted an insightful picture of the variety of oils, the many uncertainties surrounding their chemical composition and associated environmental impacts, as well as their potential ramifications for US and global energy markets. Main aspects are summarized in a 5-minute video. Her publication "Understanding Unconventional Oil" is available for download.
US Department of State and Embassy of the US in Berlin Support Transatlantic Knowledge-transfer for Climate Adaptation - Workshop
On 19 September 2012 the RADOST Project, together with Mayor Hatice Kara, hosted the event "Transfer of the best local experiences to adapt to climate change: The Timmendorf Beach in dialogue with communities on the East Coast of the USA." The event focused on coastal protection and adaption measures for communities affected by climate change. The event allowed Timmendorf citizens to recall success factors and exchange views on the possibilities of further development of their exceptional coastal protection as well as the transferability of these measures to other communities. The workshop presentations are available for download.
Benchmarking of Water Suppliers – Recommendations from the Perspective of Water Bodies and Human Health - Event
During this workshop, a study on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) regarding environmental and health-related indicators in the benchmarking of water suppliers was presented. Its results were discussed with experts from practice, policy, and administration. R. Andreas Kraemer and Marlene Lange from Ecologic Institute summarized the results regarding the importance ascribed to the actions taken by water providers to ensure the protection of water bodies and human health within current benchmarking approaches and new indicators to improve the assessment of these actions. The presentation slides are available for download.
Science-Policy Interface and the Role of Impact Assessment in the Case of Biofuels - Publication
The EU target to raise the share of biofuels in transport to 10 % by 2020 remains one of the most controversial environmental policy decisions in recent years. In this book chapter written by Timo Kaphengst and Katharina Umpfenbach of Ecologic Institute together with Bernd Hirschl and Anna Neumann, the authors examine the role of scientific evidence and impact assessments in the policy process leading up to the adoption of the Renewable Energy Directive.
Yearbook Ecology 2013 - Publication
The Yearbook Ecology 2013 was published at the end of August. Ecologic Institute is one of the institutes supporting this yearbook and contributed a chapter in the 2012 edition. This issue's focus is on the German "Energiewende," the development towards environmentally friendly energy production, which is examined from economic, social, technical, and ecological points of view. Dr. Hans-Joachim Ziesing, Senior Policy Advisor at Ecologic Institute, contributed a chapter about energy saving and energy efficiency in Germany.
Science on Tour along the Baltic Sea Coast - Event
From 10 to 20 September 2012, the previous results of the RADOST project ("Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast") were discussed with ten expert panels and at six public evening events as part of the RADOST Tour "Baltic Sea Coast 2100 – On the Way to Regional Climate Adaptation." Between 15 and 80 participants were at each event. The Tour was covered by over 110 articles in print and online media.
Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff - Job Opportunity
Ecologic Institute is currently seeking new staff and is offering the following position: - Scientist in the field of water science and policy (Application deadline 31 October 2012). For more information regarding the requirements and the necessary application documents, please visit our website. Please apply online.
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN 1613-1363
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