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Rio+20: Financial Resources for Improved International Environmental Governance


Rio+20: Financial Resources for Improved International Environmental Governance


Christiane Gerstetter, Benjamin Görlach, Susanah Stoessel, Maria Ivanova, Sandra Cavalieri, Elizabeth Tedsen, Haran Bar-On 2012: Rio+20: Financial Resources for Improved International Environmental Governance. Study on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency. Ecologic Institute, Berlin.

The international architecture for financing environmental protection and institutions has become quite confusing, spread out across an increasing number of bilateral and multilateral actors, funds and financing mechanisms. This study, commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency, investigates the current system and provides recommendations on how to improve it. The study is available for download.

Currently, as there is no established system for the tracking of international, environmentally-focused finance streams, there are no clear and straightforward answers to questions such as: Where do the funds come from? Who decides, and by what rules, how the funds are allocated? Who monitors their use? And how can new financing mechanisms and private funds be integrated into the existing system?

This study provides an overview of the structure, size, functioning of and flaws of the current system for financing international environmental governance (IEG). It also discusses different reform option and their pros and cons.


Dr. Christiane Gerstetter
Susanah Stoessel
Elizabeth Tedsen JD
Haran Bar-On
Published by
191 pp.
Project ID
Table of contents
finance, climate change, international environmental governance, IEG, Rio+20, sustainable development, multilateral environmental agreements, UNEP