- Sustainable Development, Evaluation And Policy-Making. Theory, Practise and Quality Assurance - Publication
- Options for Communicating Environmental Information on Products - Project Report
- Use of the Economic Instruments and Waste Management Perfomances - Project Report
- 3rd Annual Report RADOST - Publication
- Assessment of the Potential of Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Europe - Presentation
- Freshwater Impacts of Proposed Biofuel Policy in Germany - Presentation
- Ecologic Institute and Some of Its Projects - A Presentation to GIZ Representatives - Presentation
- ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading in Dublin - Event
- ELEEP Budapest Study Tour – EU Energy and Environmental Issues: a Central European Perspective - Event
- Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff - Job Opportunities
Ecologic Newsletter No 117 – August 2012
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Sustainable Development, Evaluation And Policy-Making. Theory, Practise and Quality Assurance - Publication
- Options for Communicating Environmental Information on Products - Project Report
- Use of the Economic Instruments and Waste Management Perfomances - Project Report
- 3rd Annual Report RADOST - Publication
- Assessment of the Potential of Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Europe - Presentation
- Freshwater Impacts of Proposed Biofuel Policy in Germany - Presentation
- Ecologic Institute and Some of Its Projects - A Presentation to GIZ Representatives - Presentation
- ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading in Dublin - Event
- ELEEP Budapest Study Tour – EU Energy and Environmental Issues: a Central European Perspective - Event
- Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff - Job Opportunities
Sustainable Development, Evaluation And Policy-Making - Theory, Practise and Quality Assurance - Publication
In times of financial crises and pressure to justify public spending, evaluation of projects, programs, and policies increases. Sustainability, which has become a socially and politically widely accepted concept throughout Europe, therefore ought to be included to a greater extent within evaluation practices to assess social and ecological impacts. Anneke von Raggamby of Ecologic Institute is one of the editors of this book.
Options for Communicating Environmental Information on Products - Project Report
Information on the environmental characteristics of products, such as on the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused during their production or their energy efficiency, are essential in order to allow consumers to make informed choices about which products to buy. This project investigated different design options for product-related environmental information addressed at consumers. Ecologic Institute contributed, in particular, an analysis of the World Trade Organization’s(WTO) requirements for legal rules on environmental labels. The study is available for download.
Use of the Economic Instruments and Waste Management Perfomances - Project Report
The objective of the present study is to analyze the relationship between the performance of the waste management systems in the EU Member States (MS) and their use of economic instruments (EI). On the basis of this analysis, the opportunity to move towards a European common approach for the use of EIs in relation to waste management is explored. The results show that landfill charges and product responsibility schemes are implemented in most MS. Pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) systems have only been introduced in half of the MS. Three main policy recommendations have been identified in the study: setting a minimum level of landfill tax to be applied in all MS, setting criteria/producing guidance for the design of producer responsibility schemes, and encouraging the use of charging that ensures waste generators face incentives in line with the waste hierarchy. The study is available for download.
3rd Annual RADOST Report - Publication
The latest research results on climate change and adaptation along the German Baltic Sea Coast are presented by the RADOST project (Regional adaption measures for the German Baltic Sea Coast) in its 3rd annual report. These results were developed in cooperation with partners in the projects region.
Assessment of the Potential of Ecosystem-based Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Europe - Presentation
"Climate mainstreaming" still raises a lot of questions among scientists, policy makers, and stakeholders. One overarching question is how climate protection can be integrated in a cross-sectoral policy approach. On 12 July 2012, the consortium of the RESPONSES project, together with the Institute of European Environmental Policy (IEEP), organized a symposium in Brussels to discuss the concept of climate mainstreaming. Timo Kaphengst of Ecologic Institute was invited to give input on the ecosystem-based approach to adaptation and its potential role in climate mainstreaming. The presentation and a background paper on climate mainstreaming are available for download.
Freshwater Impacts of Proposed Biofuel Policy in Germany - Presentation
On 6 July 2012, Andrew Ayres of Ecologic Institute presented a paper on water management and expanded biofuel use at the Fourth International Conference on Applied Energy in Suzhou, China. The paper, entitled "Germany’s Water Footprint of Transport Fuels," details how the water footprint indicator can be used to estimate the water resource use necessary to produce fuels in Germany under the requirements of the EU Biofuels Directive. The presentation is available for download.
Ecologic Institute and Some of its Projects - A Presentation to GIZ Representatives - Presentation
On 4 July 2012, a delegation of staff members from the GIZ, the German development cooperation service, visited Ecologic Institute. Dr. Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers and Christiane Gerstetter presented selected projects of Ecologic Institute as part of a GIZ-organized training on the "Green Economy".
ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading in Dublin - Event
In July 2012, the sixth ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading brought together experts from emerging economies and developing countries to learn about emissions trading as a tool for climate protection and to discuss the options of implementing such systems in developing countries. The Summer School in Dublin was the sixth of its kind and continues a series of past ICAP events held in Berlin, The Hague, Beijing, Madrid and Alajuela (Costa Rica). It was attended by 29 mid-career professionals from 12 countries. Michael Mehling, Benjamin Görlach and Miriam Schröder led the course.
ELEEP Budapest Study Tour – EU Energy and Environmental Issues: a Central European Perspective - Event
Eight members of the ELEEP Network for Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy met with staff from the Atlantic Council of the United States and Ecologic Institute (represented by Dominic Marcellino, Fellow) in Budapest, Hungary from 27 – 29 June 2012. European elements of ELEEP to this point have focused primarily on Western European countries and perspectives. This study tour broadened the scope of ELEEP activities in Europe to include reflections on the current state of affairs in Budapest, a Central European capital, and particular perspectives on energy and environmental policy to be encountered there.
Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff - Job Opportunities
Ecologic Instiute is currently seeking new staff and is offering the following positions: - Fully qualified lawyer specialized in energy and environmental law (Application deadline 5 September 2012), - Student Assistant for the Events Team (Application deadline 15 August 2012). For more information regarding the requirements and the necessary application documents, please visit our website. Please apply online.
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN 1613-1363
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