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Progress in Managing the Environment


Progress in Managing the Environment


Bond, Alan  et al. 2003: "Progress in Managing the Environment", in: European Environment Agency (ed.): Environmental Assessment Report No. 10, Europe's Environment: the Third Assessment. Copenhagen: European Environment Agency, 272-296.

On 21 May, the Kyiv report "Europe's environment: The third assessment" was released in the run-up to the meeting of Environment ministers from the wider European continent in Kyiv, Ukraine, which was organised by the UN's Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE). Chapter 13 dealing with progress in managing the environment was drawn up with the joint help of Ecologic and IEEP London.

The chapter states that progress on environmental integration varies. Although the European Cardiff process on integrating environmental aspects into other policy sectors is regarded as a positive example because it has raised awareness for environmental integration, its effect on sectoral policies has been limited. Implementation and follow-up is needed. Within the Member States integrated strategies are often in place, but similarly to the situation at the European level their implementation could be improved considerably. In the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States integration is less prominent, though advancing. Successful integration mainly fails due to weak regulatory and enforcement structures.

Link to the report here.

Download Chapter 13 here.


R. Andreas Kraemer
Founder and Director Emeritus, Ecologic Institute
Visiting Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor, Duke University
Initiator and Convenor, Arctic Summer College
Frank Oosterhuis
Elisabeth Wilson
Francoise Breton
Alan Bond
Published in
Book: Europe's environment: the third assessment, No.3/2003
Published by
24 pp.
Table of contents
climate, energy, natural resources, climate change