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Ecologic Newsletter No 116 – July 2012

Ecologic Institute


  1. Figures for the Future: A Guide for Citizens - Publication
  2. Rio+20: New Impulses for International Climate Negotiations? - Climate Talk
  3. Counting Renewable Electricity, Hydrogen and Biomethane towards the Transport Target - Publication
  4. Estimating the Overall Economic Benefits provided by the Natura 2000 Network - Publication
  5. Ecologic Institute Launches the 2012 Arctic Summer College
  6. Baltic Sea Coast 2100: On the Way to Regional Climate Adaptation - RADOST on Tour
  7. Energy Policy in Germany – Program for Decision Makers from the UK
  8. Environmental Conversation, Sustainable Development and Political Decision-making - Presentation
  9. Ecologic Institute Project Handbook 2011 - Publication
  1. Figures for the Future: A Guide for Citizens - Publication

    In preparation for the Rio+20 conference, which took place in June 2012, the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) published a guide for citizens. The publication discusses trends and statistics concerning sustainable development from the viewpoint of Anne, a 17 year old student. Anne seeks answers to everyday questions and tries to find out if Europe has actually moved towards sustainable development over the past 20 years. By discussing everyday problems, statistical indicators are made concrete and tangible. Albrecht Gradmann and Tanja Srebotnjak from Ecologic Institute have contributed to the publication as expert advisors. The publication is available for download.

  2. Rio+20: New Impulses for International Climate Negotiations? - Climate Talk

    The 21st Climate Talk on 25 June 2012 seeks to answer the question, "Which impetuses for international climate policy will expand out from the Rio+20 Conference?" The debate, organized by Ecologic Institute in cooperation with the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), was opened by Dr. Karsten Sach (BMU), Dr. Thomas Koenen (BDI), and Daniel Mittler (Greenpeace), who were all fresh back from Rio.

  3. Counting Renewable Electricity, Hydrogen and Biomethane towards the Transport Target - Publication

    The European Union (EU) wants to increase the share of renewable energy in the transport sector to 10% by 2020. This 10% target was set in the Renewable Energy Directive (RED), however -it only considers the use of biofuels in transport and assumes a grid-average for renewable electricity used. The study "Shifting Renewable Energy in Transport into the Next Gear" was performed to determine whether there are conditions under which it is possible and beneficial to amend the RED to include all renewable electricity, hydrogen and biomethane to count towards the 10% transport target. The final report is available for download.

  4. Estimating the Overall Economic Benefits provided by the Natura 2000 Network - Publication

    The aim of the EU’s Natura 2000 Network is to protect Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats. This project developed a methodological framework for assessing the overall economic value of the benefits provided by the Natura 2000 network. A first estimate suggests that the benefits could be between €200 and €300 billion per year at present, which equals 2% to 3% of EU GDP. The project report is available for download.

  5. Ecologic Institute Launches the 2012 Arctic Summer College

    Ecologic Institute is proud to be launching its 2012 Arctic Summer College, a virtual course and network aiming to strengthen Arctic communication and build a lasting, policy-oriented network of Arctic professionals. Policy briefs and videos of speaker presentations will be made publicly available on the Arctic Summer College website following each weekly seminar.

  6. Baltic Sea Coast 2100: On the Way to Regional Climate Adaptation - RADOST on Tour

    During the RADOST tour along the German Baltic Sea coast from 10 to 20 September 2012, the latest project results on regional climate adaptation will be presented. Public evening events at various stations will deal primarily with the relevant problems and approaches for solutions at each station. Information about the tour as well as the opportunity to register for the individual stations are available online.

  7. Energy Policy in Germany – Program for Decision Makers from the UK

    The UK and Germany share similar climate change goals, but pursue rather different energy policy strategies. These differences include the technological focus (such as nuclear vs renewable energy) and the choice of instruments – creating a space for mutual exchange and learning. From 21 to 25 May 2012, Ecologic Institute organized and implemented a program for seven scientists, decision makers and journalists from the UK that focused on the Energy shift in Germany and included discussions with members of parliament and representatives from ministries, think tanks and NGOs.

  8. Environmental Conversation, Sustainable Development and Political Decision-making - Presentation

    On 22 June 2012, Ecologic Institute hosted a delegation of 20 high-ranking delegates from China's State Council, economic and development organizations and the Chinese media at its office in San Mateo, California. Senior Fellow Tanja Srebotnjak began her presentation with an overview of Ecologic Institute's history and the thematic areas where it has built recognized expertise over the years. Afterwards, she described a range of example projects in which Ecologic Institute EU and US support environmental conversation and sustainable development by assisting political decision-making.

  9. Ecologic Institute Project Handbook 2011 - Publication

    Two thousand and eleven has proven to be yet another exciting and intellectually enriching year for our institute. In our sixteenth year of researching and shaping European environmental policy, we not only continued to provide high quality and innovative expertise to the European community, but we also grew consistently – both in our diversified staff and our competencies. Our Project Handbook 2011 is available for download.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN 1613-1363

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