- Gendercide: The Missing Women? - Study for the European Parliament
- Recommendations for Effective Indicators to Aid the Integration of Resource Efficiency and Green Industries - Publication
- 2012 Indicators Report for a Sustainable San Mateo County - Publication
- Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the Baltic Sea Region - RADOST Handbook
- BALTADAPT: Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Adaptation Strategy - Presentation
- Marine Strategy 2012: A review of current practice in integrated ecosystem assessments - Presentation
- Ecologic Institute Receives Robert Bosch Foundation Grant to Continue ELEEP Network - News
Ecologic Newsletter No 114 – May 2012
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Gendercide: The Missing Women? - Study for the European Parliament
- Recommendations for Effective Indicators to Aid the Integration of Resource Efficiency and Green Industries - Publication
- 2012 Indicators Report for a Sustainable San Mateo County - Publication
- Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the Baltic Sea Region - RADOST Handbook
- BALTADAPT: Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Adaptation Strategy - Presentation
- Marine Strategy 2012: A review of current practice in integrated ecosystem assessments - Presentation
- Ecologic Institute Receives Robert Bosch Foundation Grant to Continue ELEEP Network - News
Gendercide: The Missing Women? - Study for the European Parliament
Considerably larger male than female populations in some countries in Asia as well as in Europe have led to concerns in the European Parliament about the discrimination against young girls that could lead to sex selective practices such as neglect, sex selective abortions or even infanticide. This study by the Overseas Development Institute, UK (project lead) and Ecologic Institute provides the European Parliament with an overview of the causes, current trends, consequences and policy challenges of sex selective practices focusing particularly on China and India. It provides some recommendations for the European Parliament as to how these challenges can be addressed. The study is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4760 -
Recommendations for Effective Indicators to Aid the Integration of Resource Efficiency and Green Industries - Publication
This study by Ecologic Institute develops an organizing framework to summarize scientific findings concerning a wide selection of indicators and assesses their potential applicability for tracking sustainable industries and sustainable industrial development. Altogether, the use of a set of indicators is suggested in order to balance existing methodological challenges and maximize explanatory power. The study is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4758 -
2012 Indicators Report for a Sustainable San Mateo County - Publication
Ecologic Institute coordinated the work for the new 2012 Indicators Report for a Sustainable San Mateo County(SSMC); Ecologic Institute in San Mateo took on the role of Report Coordinator and Editor. New in the 2012 Indicators Report are a stand-alone 8-page summary of the report, the integration of GIS-based information, an increased focus on the inclusion of local solutions and success stories, and an overall strengthened system-oriented presentation of the indicators according to the three pillars of sustainability. Supported by more than 40 volunteers, among them students from Mills High School in Millbrae and students of urban and regional planning at San José State University, the report was developed and produced in a six-month timeframe and can be downloaded free of charge from the website of Sustainable San Mateo County.
http://ecologic.eu/4766 -
Climate Change Adaptation Strategies in the Baltic Sea Region - RADOST Handbook
This new handbook was developed as part of the project RADOST (Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Sea Coast). It provides a concise overview of adaptation policies being planned and implemented at the national, regional, and European level, including the status of National Adaptation Strategies for all Baltic Sea EU Member States. The handbook is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4764 -
BALTADAPT: Baltic Sea Region Climate Change Adaptation Strategy - Presentation
During the 14th Meeting of the Nature Protection and Biodiversity Group (HELCOM HABITAT 14/2012), new recommendations to further implement the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSPA) were discussed between the biodiversity expert group of Member States of the Baltic Sea Region and the HELCOM Secretariat. One important discussion topic was the linkage between the BSPA and the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. Susanne Altvater from Ecologic Institute was invited to outline possible synergies between HELCOM's Action Plan and climate adaptation issues. Inter alia she presented the BALTADAPT project and some findings of its working groups. The presentation is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4776 -
Marine Strategy 2012: A Review of Current Practice in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments - Presentation
From 13 to 15 May 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark, Aarhus University, supported by DHI and ICES, hosted "Marine Strategy 2012", the first European conference on research and ecosystem-based management strategies in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Susanne Altvater was invited to present the findings of a review of international approaches to the integrated assessment of aquatic ecosystems conducted by Ecologic Institute for the German Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The presentation is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4774 -
Ecologic Institute Receives Robert Bosch Foundation Grant to Continue ELEEP Network - News
Ecologic Institute, Berlin and its partners, Ecologic Institute, Washington DC and the Atlantic Council of the United States, were awarded a grant by the Robert Bosch Foundation for their recently launched Emerging Leaders in Environmental and Energy Policy Network (ELEEP).
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN 1613-1363
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