- Will there be More Water Conflicts as the Climate Changes? - Third CLICO Policy Brief
- Reform of Global Sustainable Development Institutions - Publication
- Transformation of the Energy Economy - Third I-CITE Study Tour
- The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme and the Role of the Forestry Sector - Study Tour
- Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Fish Migration - Event
- Avoiding Carbon Leakage and Competitive Distortions: ETS Design and the Influence of Politics - Presentations
- The Role of Biodiversity Research in Implementing Green Infrastructur Projects in Europe - Presentation
- Getting Ready for Sustainable Sanitation - Presentation
- Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff - Job Opportunities
Ecologic Institute Newsletter 4710
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Will there be More Water Conflicts as the Climate Changes? - Third CLICO Policy Brief
- Reform of Global Sustainable Development Institutions - Publication
- Transformation of the Energy Economy - Third I-CITE Study Tour
- The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme and the Role of the Forestry Sector - Study Tour
- Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Fish Migration - Event
- Avoiding Carbon Leakage and Competitive Distortions: ETS Design and the Influence of Politics - Presentations
- The Role of Biodiversity Research in Implementing Green Infrastructur Projects in Europe - Presentation
- Getting Ready for Sustainable Sanitation - Presentation
- Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff - Job Opportunities
Will there be More Water Conflicts as the Climate Changes? - Third CLICO Policy Brief
The recently published third policy brief of the EU-funded research project "Climate Change, Hydro-conflicts and Human Security" (CLICO) presents preliminary results on the relationship between climate change and conflicts related to water in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the Sahel region. The policy brief, written by Christiane Gerstetter and Rodrigo Vidaurre of Ecologic Institute, is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4696 -
Reform of Global Sustainable Development Institutions - Publication
The current institutional framework for sustainable development needs to be reformed, strengthened, better coordinated, and made more coherent. In a briefing paper for the conference "Green Development and Governance Innovation: Prospects on the Rio+20" on 17 and 18 April 2012 in Shanghai, Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Partner of Ecologic Institute, points out the urgency of such reforms. The briefing paper is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4698 -
Transformation of the Energy Economy - Third I-CITE Study Tour
Europe is increasingly shifting toward renewable energy. Germany is transitioning away from nuclear power to renewable sources, and Denmark recently committed to achieving 35% green energy by 2020 and 100% renewable energy by 2050. To witness these changes take shape, a study tour was organized on the Transformation of the Energy Economy: Natural Gas, Renewable Energy, Smart Grids and Electric Mobility. The tour for emerging American and European leaders in environmental policy took place from 17 to 24 March 2012.
http://ecologic.eu/4694 -
The New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme and the Role of the Forestry Sector - Study Tour
From 11 to 16 March 2012 Ecologic Institute and Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) hosted a one-week study tour in New Zealand for European foresters and forest policy experts to inform them about the integration of the forestry sector into its national emissions trading scheme. Traveling the length of New Zealand's north island, the participants met with forest landowners and managers (including from the indigenous Maori tribes), carbon trading experts, forestry policy think tanks, and regional and national policymakers to gain a well-rounded perspective of how the current policies were developed, how they are being monitored and implemented, and which actors are benefiting from them.
http://ecologic.eu/4682 -
Forum on Fish Protection and Downstream Fish Migration - Event
The first conference of the newly established Forum "Fish Protection and Downstream Migration" will take place on the premises of the German Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) in Bonn, 26 April 2012. Ecologic Institute is organizing this conference as the starting point of a series of workshops financed by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The Forum includes members from federal and regional water resource management authorities, NGOs, consultancies, water managers and hydropower.
http://ecologic.eu/4708 -
Avoiding Carbon Leakage and Competitive Distortions: ETS Design and the Influence of Politics - Presentations
The International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) successfully convened another ICAP training course on Emissions Trading for Emerging Economies and Developing Countries to build capacity in emissions trading systems (ETS). The ICAP Training Course 2012 took place in Alajuela (Costa Rica) from 19 to 28 March 2012. Benjamin Görlach and Michael Mehling of Ecologic Institute led the course and spoke about ways to avoid carbon leakage and competitive distortions as well as the impact of policies on the design of ETS. The presentations are available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4704 -
The Role of Biodiversity Research in Implementing Green Infrastructure Projects in Europe - Presentation
How can results from biodiversity research be applied in practical contexts and which obstacles have to be overcome? This question was discussed among researchers from different scientific fields from 22 to 23 March 2012 at Potsdam University. Timo Kaphengst from Ecologic Institute gave a presentation on the role of biodiversity research in the implementation of green infrastructure projects in the EU. The presentation is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4706 -
Getting Ready for Sustainable Sanitation - Presentation
Thilo Panzerbieter, Founder and Executive Director of the German Toilet Organization (GTO), presented at Ecologic Institute, Berlin on worldwide sanitation, information campaigns in Germany and developing countries, and innovative toilet systems adapted to individual circumstances. As a non-profit NGO, GTO aims to protect health, human dignity, and the environment by providing clean and sustainable sanitation facilities accompanied by information campaigns. Karin Beese, Project Manager RADOST at Ecologic Institute, moderated the event.
http://ecologic.eu/4699 -
Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff - Job Opportunities
Ecologic Institute is currently seeking new staff and is offering the following positions:
- HR Officer (Application deadline 13 May 2012)
- Senior Financial Manager (Application deadline 20 May 2012)
- Office Manager (Application deadline 30 May 2012, Position in Washington DC).
For more information regarding the requirements and the necessary application documents, please visit our website. Please apply online.
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN 1613-1363
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