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The Role of Biodiversity Research in Implementing Green Infrastructure Projects in Europe

The Role of Biodiversity Research in Implementing Green Infrastructure Projects in Europe

The Role of Biodiversity Research in Implementing Green Infrastructure Projects in Europe

Potsdam, Germany

How can results from biodiversity research be applied in practical contexts and which obstacles have to be overcome? This question was discussed among researchers from different scientific fields from 22 to 23 March 2012 at Potsdam University. Timo Kaphengst from Ecologic Institute gave a presentation on the role of biodiversity research in the implementation of green infrastructure projects in the EU. The presentation is available for download.

Timo Kaphengst presented the results of the project "Design, Implementation and Cost Elements of Green Infrastructure Projects" with special regard on research actors in such initiatives. He pointed out, that research has special roles to play within the different phases of a green infrastructure projects, for example by conducting basic and feasibility studies in the scoping phase. Moreover, he identified different tasks and challenges for research actors in future implementation of green infrastructure in the European Union. In general, he sees a high potential in this field for cooperation between biodiversity research and other actors from planning, administration, NGOs, enterprises and the general public.

The presentation [pdf, 2.8 MB, German] can be downloaded.


Potsdam, Germany
biodiversity, green infrastructure, ecosystem services, EU