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Ecologic Newsletter No 109 - January 2012

Ecologic Institute


  1. Ecologic Institute a Global Top 10 Environmental Think Tank again in 2011 - Press Release
  2. Sustainable Research – Creating Transformative Knowledge - Event
  3. Using Meta-Analysis and GIS for Value Transfer and Scaling Up: Valuing Climate Change-induced Losses of European Wetlands - Publication
  4. Distributional Impacts of Environment-related Taxes and Environmental Tax Reform - Publication
  5. Scaling up Carbon Markets in Developing Countries post-2012: Are NAMAs the Way Forward? - Publication
  6. "Brothers, Towards the Sun!" - Publication
  7. Transformation: Ecosystem Services and Green Economy - Publication
  8. Perspectives for Stability and Democracy in Pakistan - Publication
  9. Outcomes of the Climate Change Conference in Durban and its Implications for Egypt – Presentation at the "Cairo Climate Talks"
  1. Ecologic Institute a Global Top 10 Environmental Think Tank again in 2011 - Press Release

    Ecologic Institute again ranks 6th among Environment Think Tanks in the prestigious 2011 Global "Go-To Think Tank Index" of the University of Pennsylvania. Ecologic Institute - based in Berlin, Germany, and Washington DC - also reached 6th place in this category in the previous year's ranking. Among the Top 50 Think Tanks in Western Europe, Ecologic Institute took 37th place and was the only environmental think tank in this category.

  2. Sustainable Research - Creating Transformative Knowledge - Event

    This commencement event begins the "Creating Transformative Knowledge" initiative of the Year of Science 2012 dedicated to "Sustainability and the Future Earth Project," which will be managed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The goal is to provide an overview of the state of current knowledge and existing knowledge gaps that are relevant for actively supporting a transformation to sustainable development. Registration spots are still available.

  3. Using Meta-Analysis and GIS for Value Transfer and Scaling Up: Valuing Climate Change-induced Losses of European Wetlands - Publication

    The economic valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services has become a widespread tool to inform policy-makers about the consequences of environmental change. Assessments of environmental impacts at large geographic scales have led to growing policy and academic interest in transferring ecosystem service values from existing valuation studies to other ecosystem sites at a large geographic scale. This paper, published in Environmental and Resource Economics, proposes a methodology for scaling up ecosystem service values to estimate the welfare effects of ecosystem change at this larger geographical scale. The paper is available for free download.

  4. Distributional Impacts of Environment-related Taxes and Environmental Tax Reform - Publication

    In a literature review, Ecologic Institute examined the effects of environmental tax reforms on the distribution of wealth among different population groups. The review was a contribution to a project commissioned by the European Environment Agency that analyzed the long-term implications of a substantial shift of taxation from labor and income towards resource use in Europe. Distributional impacts of such a tax reform are addressed in one project report, while another one focuses on the effects of environmental tax reform on innovation. The report is available for free download.

  5. Scaling up Carbon Markets in Developing Countries post-2012: Are NAMAs the Way Forward? - Publication

    A new report on the interaction between carbon markets and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in developing countries sums up the results of a one-year research project entitled "Scaling up carbon markets in developing countries post 2012: Options, concerns and way forward." Its author, Prabhat Upadhyaya, was supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation under the International Climate Protection Fellowship to carry out this research project at Ecologic Institute during 2010 and 2011. The project report is available for download.

  6. "Brothers, Towards the Sun!" - Publication

    "Brothers, towards the sun!" – This is what Sascha Müller-Kraenner and Martin Kremer recommend to the economically weak Greeks in their "Internationale Politik" article of the same title. What makes Greece so especially capable of producing renewable energy and what is preventing progress in this direction? Müller-Kraenner, Advisor of Ecologic Institute, and Kremer, Senior Fellow at the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, analyze these issues and caution against passing up timely opportunities for investment and growth.

  7. Transformation: Ecosystem Services and Green Economy - Publication

    "Green Transformation" – This is the title of the new 2012 issue of the "Jahrbuch Ökologie", to which Ecologic Institute's Partner Sascha Müller-Kraenner has contributed. His article "Transformation: Ecosystem Services and Green Economy" deals with the ongoing fundamental debate on a possible "green" economic future.

  8. Perspectives for Stability and Democracy in Pakistan - Publication

    How can we foster democratic development in Pakistan? What role could the European Union play? These questions were addressed in a joint workshop of the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs and Delegation for Relations with South Asia on 30 March 2011 in Brussels that was organized by Ecologic Institute. The European Parliament has recently published the thoroughly reviewed report of the workshop, in which Ecologic Institute has compiled key insights and policy recommendations.

  9. Outcomes of the Climate Change Conference in Durban and its Implications for Egypt – Presentation at the "Cairo Climate Talks"

    Dr. Camilla Bausch of Ecologic Institute was invited to the Cairo Climate Talks to present and discuss the results of the UN climate conference in Durban together with Mohamed Nasser of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Both speakers were given the opportunity to present their perspectives to around two dozen experts, many from the Egyptian administration, in an open discussion session.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN 1613-1363

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