- The Climate Is Changing – What Can We Do? – Publication
- Policy Instruments for Adaptation to Climate Change in Big European Cities and Metropolitan Areas – Publication
- Ecosystem-based Approaches for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation - Publication
- Local Initiatives in Climate Protection and Renewable Energies in Germany and the US - Transatlantic Sister City and Media Dialogue
- Indicator-based Environmental Reporting - Publication
- Technology Transfer and Climate Change - Publication
- Expediting the Transfer of European Water Research - WaterDiss2.0 Consensus Conference
- mountain.WOCUR - Wiki On Communicating Useful Research - Launch
- Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff – Job Opportunities
- Further Information and News
Ecologic Newsletter No 108 - December 2011
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- The Climate Is Changing – What Can We Do? – Publication
- Policy Instruments for Adaptation to Climate Change in Big European Cities and Metropolitan Areas – Publication
- Ecosystem-based Approaches for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation - Publication
- Local Initiatives in Climate Protection and Renewable Energies in Germany and the US - Transatlantic Sister City and Media Dialogue
- Indicator-based Environmental Reporting - Publication
- Technology Transfer and Climate Change - Publication
- Expediting the Transfer of European Water Research - WaterDiss2.0 Consensus Conference
- mountain.WOCUR - Wiki On Communicating Useful Research - Launch
- Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff – Job Opportunities
- Further Information and News
The Climate Is Changing – What Can We Do? – Publication
On 12 December 2011, the winners of the competition "forward-thinking change – act now: adaptation pioneers wanted!" were presented to the public in an award ceremony. The competition was co-organized by Ecologic Institute. Together with a selection of other exemplary adaptation projects, the award winners are presented in a brochure prepared by Ecologic Institute on behalf of the German Federal Environment Agency.
http://ecologic.eu/4456 -
Policy Instruments for Adaptation to Climate Change in Big European Cities and Metropolitan Areas – Publication
Ecologic Institute led a study examining adaptation strategies in large cities and metropolitan areas across the European Union. A print version of the report is now available in English and French. The study, which was commissioned by the Committee of the Regions, aims to identify best practices examples of both overarching strategies and individual adaptation measures. It is targeted at local and regional administrators and interested stakeholders.
http://ecologic.eu/4454 -
Ecosystem-based Approaches for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation - Publication
In response to growing pressures from climate change, ecosystem-based approaches have emerged as a promising strategy to increase the resilience of ecosystems and support sustainable livelihoods. Ecologic Institute and the Environmental Change Institute examined the factors facilitating and obstacles hindering the implementation and integration of such approaches in climate change strategies. The report is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/3931 -
Local Initiatives in Climate Protection and Renewable Energies in Germany and the US - Transatlantic Sister City and Media Dialogue
Four German-American pairs of sister cities met in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA from 29 November to 2 December 2011 in order to compare local efforts on climate protection and explore best practices in renewable energy development. The Dialogue, which also included German and American journalists, was organized by Ecologic Institute in cooperation with the German Embassy in Washington DC.
http://ecologic.eu/4464 -
Indicator-based Environmental Reporting - Publication
Indicators are becoming ever more relevant for environmental reporting, both at the national and the international level. This project developed recommendations for the focused and concise communication of environmental information using key indicators and highly aggregated indices. The final report is now available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/3862 -
Technology Transfer and Climate Change - Publication
Technology transfer is an important part of ongoing efforts for climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as a central issue in negotiations between developed and developing countries. In a German publication for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Christiane Gerstetter summarizes the state of the debate prior to the Durban climate summit. The publication is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4450 -
Expediting the Transfer of European Water Research - WaterDiss2.0 Consensus Conference
How to spread innovation effectively? How can we bridge the gap between researchers and the target audience, thereby increasing the impact of research results? How can we maximize the use and uptake of research results through dissemination? These were some of the questions discussed at the WaterDiss2.0 Consensus Conference: Expediting the Transfer of European Water Research, which was organized as part of the WaterDiss2.0 project on dissemination and uptake of FP water research results.
http://ecologic.eu/4426 -
mountain.WOCUR - Wiki On Communicating Useful Research - Launch
EU researchers across an array of projects have produced valuable findings on change, adaptation and development strategies for European mountain regions in recent years. Yet, they often lack resources and experience for disseminating their results to practitioners. This collaborative webplatform, created by Ecologic Institute as part of the mountain.TRIP project, provides scientists with an expandable and user-friendly database of knowledge on communicating research results to practitioners.
http://ecologic.eu/4346 -
Ecologic Institute Seeks new Staff – Job opportunities
Ecologic Institute is currently seeking new staff and has openings in the following positions:
- Engineer/Economist in the professional field of energy efficiency/climate protection (application deadline: 23 December 2011)
- Personnel Assistant, maternity leave replacement, limited contract (application deadline: 15 January 2012)
- Internship with focus on translations (English-German) in the environmental area (application deadline: 15 January 2012, based in Washington DC)
For more information regarding the requirements and the necessary application documents, please visit our website. Please apply online.
http://ecologic.eu/opportunities -
Further information and news
Policies that Address the Interface between Climate Change, Water Conflicts and Human Security - Presentation
The presentation slides are available for download. -
Climate Knowledge for Regional Coastal Stakeholders in the Eastern Baltic Sea Region - Presentation
The presentation slides are available for download. -
European Priorities for Sustainability - Presentation
The article and presentation are available for download. -
Dialogue or Dead End? Social Media for Science Communication - Presentation
- FP7-project SmartSOIL: Kick-off Meeting in Brussels
- Climate Change – Publication (in Spanish)
- Ethics and Climate Change - Fireside Discussion
- Green Jobs for a Cool Planet - Riverside Chat
- Challenges and Opportunities to reaching 100% Renewable Energy - Riverside Chat
Limited Freedom above the Clouds: Aviation Becomes Part of European Emissions Trading Scheme - Climate Talk
Saudi German Youth Forum
Policies that Address the Interface between Climate Change, Water Conflicts and Human Security - Presentation
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN 1613-1363
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