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Ecologic Newsletter No 105 - September 2011

Ecologic Institute


  1. German Federal Climate Change Law - Analysis and Proposals for its Advancement – Publication
  2. Scenarios for a One Planet Economy in Europe - Study for the European Commission – Publication
  3. Empirical Analysis of Associations between Trade and the Environment – Study online
  4. 2nd RADOST Annual Report - Publication
  5. Estimating Net Migration By Ecosystem and By Decade: 1970-2010 – Publication
  6. IN-STREAM Dissemination: New Ways of Measuring Human Prosperity – Beyond GDP – Event
  7. Expert workshop on "Green infrastructure projects and policies" – Event
  8. Fundamental questions of Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency (RESS) – Presentation
  9. Renewables and Rural Energy Opportunities – First I-CITE Study Tour
  10. Ecologic Instiute seeks new staff – Job Opportunities
  1. German Federal Climate Change Law - Analysis and Proposals for its Advancement – Publication

    In light of the increasing importance of climate change, a number of related legislative activities in Germany have occurred. However the resulting climate change law is incomplete and not always coherent. Professor Michael Rodi from the University of Greifswald and Ecologic Institute analysed German federal climate change law and developed proposals for its advancement. The legal study on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency is available for download.

  2. Scenarios for a One Planet Economy in Europe - Study for the European Commission – Publication

    The results of a scenario exercise carried out under the OPEN:EU project suggest that the transformation of Europe into a One Planet Economy by 2050 would require very aggressive policy action. The study is available for download.

  3. Empirical Analysis of Associations between Trade and the Environment – Study online

    This study investigates the prevailing theories about the effect of trade openness on environmental quality and resource management, providing new insights and empirical support to refute some of these theories. It builds on data collected through the Yale-Columbia 2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI), which covers 163 countries and an extensive database of trade-related measures from academic and international sources. Senior fellow Tanja Srebotnjak contributed statistical analyses to the study. It is available for download.

  4. 2nd RADOST Annual Report – Publication

    After two years of project work, the second annual report of RADOST (Regional adaption measures for the German Baltic Sea Coast) presents research results and experiences of cooperation with political decision makers in ministries, administrations and communities. The annual report is available for download.

  5. Estimating Net Migration By Ecosystem and By Decade: 1970-2010 – Publication

    Tanja Srebotnjak, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, contributed to a project undertaken by the Columbia University Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) to estimate net migration by ecosystem over the four decades from 1970 to 2010. The project report is available for download.

  6. IN-STREAM Dissemination: New ways of Measuring Human Prosperity - Beyond GDP – Event

    Ecologic Institute hosted the fourth green salon of the American Voices Abroad on the 16th of August 2011. Three introductory presentations by Lucas Porsch, Tanja Srebotnjak and Rich Rosen on the need for and the challenges of Beyond GDP indicators triggered a lively discussion on the information needs of policy makers that aim at sustainability. To this end, important similarities and differences were examined in the attitudes to welfare measurement in Europe and the US.

  7. Expert workshop on "Green infrastructure projects and policies" – Event

    How can green infrastructure and its contribution to the provision of a wide range of ecosystem services be strengthened at different spatial scales? An expert workshop on "Green infrastructure policies and projects" aimed to answer this question. Participants critically discussed the design, implementation and cost of green infrastructure projects as well as the implementation and efficiency of national and regional green infrastructure initiatives. The workshop took place in Brussels on 7 September 2011 and was organised by Ecologic Institute with support from GHK and IEEP. The presentations are available for download.

  8. Fundamental questions of Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency (RESS) – Presentation

    The international conference on Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency (RESS), a relatively new scientific field, took place from 14 to 16 September in Freiburg. Organised by the University of Freiburg, the conference attracted scientists and academically interested practitioners from a wide variety of disciplines who are working towards comprehensive strategies to increase the proportion of renewable energies in energy systems. Timo Kaphengst, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, was invited for a key note speech on some of the fundamental questions related to Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency. The presentation is available for download.

  9. Renewables and Rural Energy Opportunities – First I-CITE Study Tour

    While renewable energy and its role for achieving an energy transformation, improving the environment, and supporting rural economies is a hotly discussed topic in both the US and Europe, approaches to increasing the share of renewables in the energy mix differ significantly on opposite sides of the Atlantic. As a result, exchanging Transatlantic experiences and lessons learned is of crucial importance.

  10. Ecologic Instiute seeks new staff – job opportunities

    Ecologic Instiute currently seeks new staff and offers openings in the following positions:

    - Expert in Arctic Affairs (Application deadline 4 October 2011)

    - Lawyer specialized in energy and environmental law (Application deadline 9 October 2011)

    - Web Developer (Application deadline 16 October 2011).

    For more information regarding the requirements and the necessary application documents, please visit our website. Please apply online.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN 1613-1363

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