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How Merkel Decided to End Nuclear Power

How Merkel Decided to End Nuclear Power

How Merkel Decided to End Nuclear Power


In this front page article in the International Herald Tribune (IHT) and in the New York Times (NYT), Judy Dempsey traces "How [Angela] Merkel Decided to End Nuclear Power" (NYT) and discusses "What lies ahead as Germany quits nuclear" (IHT).  R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute was interviewed for and is cited in the arcticle.

The article is available online.

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Keywords: energy, nuclear, renewables, transformation, Germany, Merkel, Röttgen

Citations: Dempsey, Judy (2011): "How Merkel Decided to End Nuclear Power", in: New York Times, 13 August 2011, URL:

Dempsey, Judy (2011): "What lies ahead as Germany quits nuclear", in: International Herald Tribune, 13-14 August 2011, pages 1 and 3.

Author: Judy Dempsey

Year: 2011

Published in: New York Times, International Herald Tribune

Language: English

Publisher: New York Times

Place (of publisher): New York, NY, USA

Reference type: online, newspaper article

Date: 13 August 2011
