- Guidance on making agricultural measures clear and transparent at farm level - Publication
- Integrating Ecological, Carbon and Water footprint into a "Footprint Family" of indicators: Definition and role in tracking human pressure on the planet - Publication
- Smart grids and smart meters in Germany - Publication
- ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading in Madrid - Event
- Policy consulting - Presentation
- Emissions trading: Can it halt climate change? - Presentation
- 2011 Arctic Summer College at Ecologic Institute - Event
- This year marks the 10th anniversary of Ecologic Institute Brussels - Event
- Audit certificate for Ecologic Institute’s financial statement 2010 and tax privileges for donations
- Ecologic runs ahead - faster than ever before
Ecologic Newsletter No 104 – August 2011
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Guidance on making agricultural measures clear and transparent at farm level - Publication
- Integrating Ecological, Carbon and Water footprint into a "Footprint Family" of indicators: Definition and role in tracking human pressure on the planet - Publication
- Smart grids and smart meters in Germany - Publication
- ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading in Madrid - Event
- Policy consulting - Presentation
- Emissions trading: Can it halt climate change? - Presentation
- 2011 Arctic Summer College at Ecologic Institute - Event
- This year marks the 10th anniversary of Ecologic Institute Brussels - Event
- Audit certificate for Ecologic Institute’s financial statement 2010 and tax privileges for donations
- Ecologic runs ahead - faster than ever before
Integrating Ecological, Carbon and Water footprint into a "Footprint Family" of indicators: Definition and role in tracking human pressure on the planet - Publication
In this article, the authors provide for the first time a definition of the "Footprint Family" as a suite of indicators to track human pressure on our planet and under different angles. It builds on the premise that no single indicator per se is able to comprehensively monitor human impact on the environment, but indicators rather need to be used and interpreted jointly.
http://ecologic.eu/4218 -
Guidance on making agricultural measures clear and transparent at farm level - Publication
The guidance document provides a tool to assist the WFD (Water Framework Directive) implementation at the farm level, giving advice to national and river basin management authorities on how mandatory and voluntary measures included within the WFD Programmes of Measures can be made operational at the farm level. This guidance document was developed through a collaborative programme involving the WFD Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) partners. Ecologic Institute intensely supported the drafting of the guidance itself as well as the organisation of the CIS workshop on "Clear measures for farmers" that provided input for the guidance. The guidance document is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4194 -
Smart grids and smart meters in Germany - Publication
On 9 May 2011, the Bureau of National Affairs (BNA) reported on Germany's plans to further invest and expand upon smart grid technology and infrastructure. This requires smart demand management, or the roll-out of smart meters. Economist and Fellow at Ecologic Institute Berlin, Max Grünig was interviewed on the issue of smart grids and smart meters in Germany and comments on the problems of privacy smart metering brings about and the related social resistance to the rollout of smart meters. The article is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4208 -
ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading in Madrid - Event
In July 2011, the Fourth ICAP Summer School on Emissions Trading brought together experts from emerging economies and developing countries to introduce emissions trading as a tool for climate protection and to discuss the options of implementing such schemes in developing countries. The Summer School in Madrid was the fourth of its kind and continues the tradition of previous ICAP events in Berlin, The Hague and Beijing. It was attended by 27 mid-career professionals from 14 countries. Michael Mehling, Benjamin Görlach and Miriam Schröder led the course.
http://ecologic.eu/4220 -
Policy consulting - Presentation
In the summer term 2011, Christiane Gerstetter and Doris Knoblauch, Fellows of Ecologic Institute, taught a course on policy consulting at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremen.
http://ecologic.eu/4212 -
Emissions trading: Can it halt climate change? - Presentation
Emissions trading is one of the most important policy instruments for combating climate change. The basic idea is simple, yet the functioning of the various emissions trading schemes is very complex. During the summer youth academy 2011 organized by GIZ and EPIZ Katharina Umpfenbach, Fellow at Ecologic Institute, held a seminar on the topic.
http://ecologic.eu/4214 -
2011 Arctic Summer College at Ecologic Institute - Event
The 2011 Arctic Summer College, hosted by Ecologic Institute, provides a platform for Arctic researchers to debate and develop ideas about a range of issues facing Arctic decision-makers, such as: Arctic economic, environmental and security policy; the impacts of large scale energy projects at the regional scale; and approaches to ecosystem-based management.
http://ecologic.eu/4190 -
This year marks the 10th anniversary of Ecologic Institute Brussels - Event
On Tuesday, 27 September 2011, Ecologic Institute will celebrate this important milestone with a special event which will be held at the Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique in Brussels.
http://ecologic.eu/4230 -
Audit certificate for Ecologic Institute’s financial statement 2010 and tax privileges for donations
Ecologic Institute's financial statement 2010 has been audited by Certified Auditors and confirmed without restrictions or objections on 27 May 2011. The financial statement 2010 is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4216 -
Ecologic runs ahead - faster than ever before
Two teams of Ecologic Institute participated in the 2011 Berliner Wasserbetriebe 5x5 km team relay. In ideal running conditions, team "Ecologic Institute Washington DC" completed the 25 km through Berlin's Tiergarten in 1:52:02, finishing as 258th in a field of more than 4,200 teams.
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN 1613-1363
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