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Ecologic Newsletter No 103 – July 2011

Ecologic Institute


  1. Contribution to the 2011 flagship survey of the German Advisory Council on Global Change - Publication
  2. Development policy and its coherence with other policies - Publication
  3. Land policies and development - Publication
  4. The German Experience with Full Cost Recovery in the Water Sector: Practice and Problems - Publication
  5. The nuclear endgame begins in Germany - Publication
  6. Waking the sleeping giant - Instruments for more energy efficiency in the EU - Climate Talk
  7. ICAP Training Course on Emissions Trading in Beijing - Event
  8. Climate Protection and Renewable Energy - Informational Visitors Program
  9. Research at Anchor - Event
  10. Results from the project "Advancement of Resource Policy" - Presentation
  1. Contribution to the 2011 flagship survey of the German Advisory Council on Global Change - Publication

    In its analysis for the WBGU, Ecologic Institute analyzed the American, British, Chinese, German, Japanese and South Korean economic and financial stimulus packages and their environmental implications. The analysis is available for download.

  2. Development policy and its coherence with other policies - Publication

    The study "An Assessment of the Balancing of EU Development Objectives with Other Policies and Priorities", to which Ecologic Institute contributed, evaluates the coherence between the EU’s development policies and its other policies. Its authors describe the positive and negative impacts of these policies on development priorities and provide recommendations to achieve better policy coherence. The study was commissioned by the European Parliament and is available for download.

  3. Land policies and development - Publication

    In a policy brief for the European Parliament, researchers at Ecologic Institute examine how access to land affects development and poverty eradication in developing countries. The authors discuss the assumption that land ownership increases productivity and provide an overview of land reforms and large-scale land acquisitions in developing countries. Finally, the brief provides a series of recommendations for European policy-makers. The brief is available for download.

  4. The German Experience with Full Cost Recovery in the Water Sector: Practice and Problems - Publication

    Dominic Marcellino, Fellow Ecologic Institute Washington, and Max Grünig, Fellow Ecologic Institute Berlin, published an article on cost recovery in line with the EU Water Framework Directive and related experiences in Germany. The text appeared in the March/April special edition of L’Acqua, an Italian journal for water issues. The paper builds off previous work done for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

  5. The nuclear endgame begins in Germany - Publication

    "Germany may well be regarded as the nation where the endgame of nuclear power began." Economics, risk assessments and public pressure lead many countries to halt nuclear power and shift to green energy. After an Op-Ed in the San Francisco Chronicle, R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute explains in the AICGS Advisor the German decision and its impact on nuclear proliferation.

  6. Waking the sleeping giant - Instruments for more energy efficiency in the EU - Climate Talk

    Energy efficiency is crucial for meeting the EU's climate policy targets. The EU Commission has identified energy efficiency as the largest energy resource by far. Experts repeatedly emphasise that energy efficiency is a cost-effective way to achieve more climate protection. Despite these many advantages, there has been only slow progress towards reaching the EU's efficiency targets. Policy tools for increasing energy efficiency was the theme of the Climate Talk on 22 June 2011.

  7. ICAP Training Course on Emissions Trading in Beijing - Event

    For the third time, the ICAP Training Course on Emissions Trading brought together experts from emerging economies and developing countries to introduce emissions trading as a tool for climate protection and discuss possibilities for implementing such schemes in developing countries. The event took place in Beijing, China, from 23 May to 1 June 2011, and was the first of its kind held outside of Europe. Twenty-seven decision makers from eight Asian countries attended the course, which was led by Michael Mehling, Benjamin Görlach and Miriam Schröder.

  8. Climate Protection and Renewable Energy - Informational Visitors Program

    From 15 to 21 May 2011, a visitor programme on climate and renewable energy took place in Berlin, Magdeburg and Hamburg in cooperation with the German Foreign Office. The programme, designed and organised by Ecologic Institute, was aimed at Latin American political decision-makers from the national, regional and community levels as well as interested journalists. Key to the programme were discussions with experts from the German Ministries of the Environment and Economy and the Foreign Office as well as think tanks and NGOs. Excursions to companies in the renewable energy field (biogas, solar and wind energy) and Hamburg’s role as Europe’s 2011 environment capital constituted a substantial element of the trip.

  9. Research at Anchor - Event

    On 6 July 2011, numerous guests from Greifswald (Germany) and the surrounding area had the opportunity to see the research ship "Ludwig Prandtl" in the harbor of Greifswald/Wiek up close and to ask researchers questions about their work on the ship and about the RADOST project.

  10. Results from the project "Advancement of Resource Policy" - Presentation

    The "Network Resource Efficiency" as part of the project "Advancement of Resource Policy" invited to the 7th network conference on Monday, 27 June 2011 in Berlin. New approaches in politics and businesses are highlighted under the guiding theme "2011 – agenda setting for the resource turnaround".


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN 1613-1363

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