- Second CLICO Policy Brief – Publication
- EU Subsidies for polluting and unsustainable practices – Publication
- First LEDDRA Plenary Meeting in Yichang, China – Event
- Industries of the Future – Event
- Ecuadorian initiative to protect climate and biodiversity – Presentation
- Climate Protection and Renewable Energy – Informational Visitors Program
- Regional availability of climate knowledge in the Baltic Sea – Event
- Opportunities for EU/US cooperation on maritime governance – Presentation
- EU’s ecological footprint on the Arctic region – Publication
- A global Water Quality Index and hot-deck imputation of missing data – Publication
Ecologic Newsletter No 102 – June 2011
- Ecologic Institute Newsletter
- Second CLICO Policy Brief – Publication
- EU Subsidies for polluting and unsustainable practices – Publication
- First LEDDRA Plenary Meeting in Yichang, China – Event
- Industries of the Future – Event
- Ecuadorian initiative to protect climate and biodiversity – Presentation
- Climate Protection and Renewable Energy – Informational Visitors Program
- Regional availability of climate knowledge in the Baltic Sea – Event
- Opportunities for EU/US cooperation on maritime governance – Presentation
- EU’s ecological footprint on the Arctic region – Publication
- A global Water Quality Index and hot-deck imputation of missing data – Publication
Second CLICO Policy Brief – Publication
Together with more than 10 partners from the EU and the Middle East, Ecologic Institute is carrying out the EU-funded research project on "Climate change, hydro-conflicts and human security" (CLICO). CLICO investigates how climate change influences water availability and, consequently, human security and conflicts in the Mediterranean region. The 2nd CLICO policy brief, written by Ecologic Institute, is now available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4116 -
EU Subsidies for polluting and unsustainable practices – Publication
EU budget subsidies in areas such as agriculture, fisheries, cohesion policy, transport and energy should be phased out if they are likely to have environmentally harmful effects according to a detailed assessment. This is the conclusion of a Parliament's Environment Committee report that was published in March 2011. Ruta Landgrebe and Dr. Ralph Piotrowski of Ecologic Institute contributed the sections on Agriculture and Fisheries to this report. The report is available for download.
http://ecologic.eu/4118 -
First LEDDRA Plenary Meeting in Yichang (China) – Event
Responses to soil erosion in agricultural areas in China as well as the exchange of experiences with good practice in the EU in soil conservation management and monitoring were the subjects of the first plenary meeting of the FP7-project LEDDRA. The meeting took place in Yichang, China, from 27 to 30 April 2011 and was organised by the Changjing River Scientific Research Institute (CRSRI). Ruta Landgrebe and Sandra Naumann participated as representatives of Ecologic Institute.
http://ecologic.eu/4114 -
Industries of the Future – Event
A symposium on "Industries of the Future: Economic Growth through Clean Energy and Clean Jobs" took place at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia on 9 May 2011 as a part of Georgia Tech's Europe Day Celebrations. The event was hosted by Ecologic Institute, the German Embassy, the German Consulate General Atlanta, Georgia Tech's European Union Center of Excellence, and the German American Chamber of Commerce in Atlanta. It brought together business leaders and policymakers from Georgia and Germany, who examined the current situation and potential opportunities for clean energy development in both countries.
http://ecologic.eu/4102 -
Ecuadorian initiative to protect climate and biodiversity – Presentation
Lead by Ecuador’s Ambassador to Germany, his Excellency Jorge Jurado, and Ivonne Baki, who is the country’s top negotiator for the Yasuni-ITT Initiative, a high-level delegation presented an Ecuadorian proposal for the protection of climate and biodiversity at the Ecologic Institute.
http://ecologic.eu/4108 -
Climate Protection and Renewable Energy – Informational Visitors Program
From 15 to 21 May 2011, a visitor programme on climate and renewable energy took place in Berlin, Magdeburg and Hamburg in cooperation with the German Foreign Office. The programme, designed and organised by Ecologic Institute, was aimed at Latin American political decision-makers from the national, regional and community levels as well as interested journalists. Key to the programme were discussions with experts from the German Ministries of the Environment and Economy, the Foreign Office as well as think tanks and NGO’s. Excursions to companies in the renewable energy field (biogas, solar and wind energy) as well as Hamburg’s role as Europe’s 2011 environment capital constituted a substantial element of the trip.
http://ecologic.eu/4100 -
Regional availability of climate knowledge in the Baltic Sea – Event
How does the communication between providers of climate data and political decision makers work? This question was the central point of a three-day workshop held in Berlin and Timmendorfer Beach from 15 to 17 June 2011. Scientists and stakeholders from administrations and political bodies from different Baltic countries first met at the Ecologic Institute in Berlin to discuss different aspects of the availability of regional climate facts. The second part of the workshop was held at a local Baltic venue - in Timmendorfer Strand, where a case study on the engagement of local stakeholders was examined.
http://ecologic.eu/4106 -
Opportunities for EU/US cooperation on maritime governance – Presentation
Andrew Reid, Transatlantic Fellow at Ecologic Institute, presented the results of the project Cooperation Across the Atlantic for Marine Governance Integration (CALAMAR) to decision-makers, scientists and other maritime stakeholders at the 2011 European Maritime Day in Gdansk, Poland. Examining opportunities for EU/US cooperation on maritime governance, the project was presented as part of a panel on strategies for strengthening maritime clusters in the Atlantic region.
http://ecologic.eu/4069 -
EU’s ecological footprint on the Arctic region – Publication
The EU is a relative newcomer to Arctic policy and may appear to have limited options for influencing the future of the Arctic. However, all Arctic States and neighbouring countries, including the EU, have a stake in the health of Arctic ecosystems and communities, as well as the sustainable development of new sources of economic growth in this region. Sandra Cavalieri, Emily McGlynn and Susanah Stoessel from Ecologic Institute, along with co-authors Martin Bruckner (SERI), Timo Koivurova (Arctic Centre) and Annika E. Nilsson (Stockholm Environment Institute) present an overview of the EU’s ecological footprint on the Arctic region, and suggest policy options to reduce negative impacts.
http://ecologic.eu/4079 -
A global Water Quality Index and hot-deck imputation of missing data – Publication
Together with co-authors Alexander de Sherbinin (Columbia University), Genevieve Carr (Northern Oil and Gas Branch, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) and Carrie Rickwood (Natural Resources Canada) Tanja Srebotnjak, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, published a study in the journal Ecological Indicators on the design and testing of a global water quality index.
Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin
ISSN 1613-1363
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