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Ecologic Newsletter No 95 – November 2010

Dear subscribers,

Starting with this issue, No 95, our newsletter system has changed. Though the newsletter will remain bilingual on our website, it will - be sent - in one language only. As the default language is English, no action by you is required. A link to the German version will be provided at the top of each newsletter.

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With kind regards,

Your editorial staff

Sehr geehrte Abonnenten,

mit dieser 95. Ausgabe haben wir unseren Newsletter überarbeitet. Der Newsletter wird weiterhin zweisprachig auf unserer Website geführt, ab sofort aber nur noch einsprachig versandt. Die Standardsprache für den Versand ist Englisch, am Anfang jedes Newsletters wird jedoch immer zur Web-Version der jeweils anderen Sprache verlinkt.

Um den Newsletter in deutsch zu erhalten, tragen Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse auf unserer Website links unten ein und wählen Sie Ihre bevorzugte Sprache.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Ihre Redaktion


  1. A novel framework for validating and applying standardized small area measurement strategies – Publication
  2. The Legal Framework for Geo-Engineering – Who May Turn the Thermostat? – Publication
  3. Environmental Tax Reform - Insights from a biodiversity protection perspective – Presentation
  4. South African - German Workshop in Water and Land Management – Presentation
  5. Green Growth - Globalisation and Science – Presentation
  6. Evidence - Based Policy - Making – Ph.D. Workshop
  7. Considering population and emissions together under a novel liability framework – Presentation
  8. Economic Instruments between Kyoto and Copenhagen: quo vadis Climate Protection? – Publication
  1. A novel framework for validating and applying standardized small area measurement strategies – Publication

    Tanja Srebotnjak, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, with co-authors Professor Christopher Murray and Professor Ali Mokdad from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA, published a methods paper in Population Health Metrics on small area estimation.

  2. The Legal Framework for Geo-Engineering – Who May Turn the Thermostat? – Publication

    For some, geo-engineering (the large-scale alteration of the Earth's physical or bio-chemical characteristics) is a "plan B" to deal with climate change. The German policy journal "Politische Ökologie" dedicated a recent issue (no. 120) to this topic. Ralph Bodle and R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute put the spotlight on the existing and desirable international legal framework.

  3. Environmental Tax Reform - Insights from a biodiversity protection perspective – Presentation

    A gradual shift of today's taxes away from personal income and capital- and towards taxes on consumption, pollution, and inefficient use of energy and resources can boost employment, eco-innovation and protect the environment. Sandra Naumann, Fellow at Ecologic Institute, gave a presentation on the success or failure of market-based instruments and their potential for further use in the future.

  4. South African - German Workshop in Water and Land Management – Presentation

    South African land and water reform processes, as well as the interaction between water, agriculture and climate change in the EU, were the subjects of a workshop in Pretoria, South Africa, in which Christiane Gerstetter, Sandra Naumann and Nicole Kranz participated as representatives of Ecologic Institute. The workshop was organised by the Water Governance Group of the South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). Ecologic Institute's presentations are available for download.

  5. Green Growth - Globalisation and Science – Presentation

    Leading German daily newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung and the Hypo Verein Bank convened their 9th Expert Forum Mittelstand in Munich (Germany) on 28 October 2010. The Forum discussed green growth, innovation and competiveness, and the role of small and mid-sized businesses – the German "Mittelstand" – in the wider context. R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute and Klaus Töpfer of IASS Potsdam provided perspectives on science and globalisation.

  6. Evidence - Based Policy - Making – Ph.D. Workshop

    In October and November of 2010, the Plant Sciences Center at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) is organising a course on "Evidence-Based Policy-Making" as part of its Ph.D. Program in plant sciences and policy. Holger Gerdes, Fellow at Ecologic Institute, is supervising a group of Ph.D. students.

  7. Considering population and emissions together under a novel liability framework – Presentation

    While the world waits for an international emissions reduction agreement under the UNFCCC, negotiating governments continue a stalemate on key issues. To determine how much each nation should reduce emissions, Phil Hannam, UNEP-Tongji Institute, and Emily McGlynn, Ecologic Institute, ask: Who benefits from past, present, and future emissions?

  8. Economic Instruments between Kyoto and Copenhagen: quo vadis Climate Protection? – Publication

    From 15 to 16 October 2009, the Center for Foreign Trade Law of the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster hosted its 14th Foreign Trade Law Day, focusing on energy and climate change. At this conference, Benjamin Görlach, economist for the Ecologic Institute, delivered a presentation entitled "Economic Instruments between Kyoto and Copenhagen: quo vadis Climate Protection?" This presentation is now available as an article in the conference volume.


Publisher: Ecologic Institute, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

Person in charge: R. Andreas Kraemer, Ecologic Institut, Pfalzburger Str. 43/44, 10717 Berlin

ISSN 1613-1363