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Environmental Security in the Arctic

Environmental Security in the Arctic

Environmental Security in the Arctic


Ecologic Institute cooperates on researching the "Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean".  The work culminates in a NATO Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) and a book that addresses the prevention of conflicts in relation to scarcity of resources, and threats to environmental security with implications for economic, cultural and political instability. The project's main sponsor is the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme (SPS).

Building on the results of the Arctic Transform project on Transatlantic Policy Options for Supporting Adaptation in the Marine Arctic, and the EU Arctic Footprint and Policy Assessment, Ecologic Institute collaborates with the Scott Polar Research Institute of Cambridge University, and the Legal Department of the Council for the Study of Productive Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences as ARW co-directors.

The goal of the research and AWR is to engage scientists, international law authorities and policymakers in characterising environmental security risks and define institutional and other solutions to jointly meet possible threats in the Arctic Ocean.  Specific objectives are to:

  1. identify and assess environmental security risks against the background of international governance challenges in this globally-relevant region; and
  2. consider opportunities and institutional options for cooperation, including perpetuating science as a tool of diplomacy, to resolve environmental security risks in the Arctic Ocean.

The research and workshop results are to be published as a book.


R. Andreas Kraemer
Founder and Director Emeritus, Ecologic Institute
Visiting Assistant Professor and Adjunct Professor, Duke University
Initiator and Convenor, Arctic Summer College

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Project ID
Environment, Security Risks, Threats, Science and Diplomacy, international Institutions, Governance, NATO, European Union
Arctic, Russia, Canada, United States of America, USA, Norway, Iceland, Greenland