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Ecologic Newsletter No 91 – July 2010

Ecologic Newsletter No 91 – July 2010

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Research on Geoengineering – Climate Talk
  2. It is time to end GDP’s sole reign – Publication
  3. Smart Energy Dialogue – Discussion
  4. Green Jobs - Green Growth: The New Energy Economy – Event
  5. Climate Protection and Renewable Energy – Informational Visitors Program
  6. Do hydro-climatic hazards intensify social tensions and conflicts? – Presentation
  7. "powerado plus": Learning about Renewable Energy in Schools – Seminars for Teachers
  8. ZDF German TV: Presumed Dead but Still Kicking – Documentation on Nuclear Power in Germany

1. Research on Geoengineering – Climate Talk

Dr. Camilla Bausch and Benjamin Görlach (Ecologic Institute) along with Dr. Susanne Dröge (German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik) hosted the 15th Climate Talk in June 2010 on 'Research on Geoengineering' and the necessary framework for or limitations of such research activities. Ralph Bodle (Ecologic Institute), Elmar Kriegler (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research) and Friederike Herrmann (Environment Protection Agency, UBA) opened the discussion with key statements on the issue.

2. It is time to end GDP’s sole reign – Publication

The financial and economic crisis that Germany has been going through since 2008 has shed a new light on the pros and cons of economic growth and the methods of measuring welfare. Whereas some indicators indicate that the worst effects of the crisis are behind us, others reveal that we may not have seen the end of the crisis just yet. In the 2/2010 edition of "Berliner Republik", Benjamin Görlach, Senior Fellow at the Ecologic Institute, discussed how the crisis has played out in different economic indicators, why politics still resort to GDP as the main indicator for economic welfare and what the perspectives are for establishing alternative indicators.

3. Smart Energy Dialogue – Discussion

The first Smart Energy Dialogue, held on 9 June 2010 in Berlin, established a forum for discussion on the co-transformation of the energy and transport sectors. Sixty European and American experts from the areas of industry, research and policy-making came together at the Hertie School of Governance to discuss a roadmap towards energy security, energy efficiency and the decarbonisation of our economies.

4. Green Jobs - Green Growth: The New Energy Economy – Event

As part of the Transatlantic Climate Bridge, an informational trip for a group of political decision makers and entrepreneurs from the southern United States took place from 6 to 12 June 2010. The programme informed the participants about job creation in a "green" economy by using Germany as an example. In so doing, the main challenges and opportunities of a progressive climate and energy policy were presented. In addition to the focus on law making and political factors, other important aspects of the programme were the information exchange with experts in this field and the identification of best practice examples. The tour was organized and implemented by the Ecologic Institute.

5. Climate Protection and Renewable Energy – Informational Visitors Program

From 16 to 22 May 2010, a visitors programme on climate and renewable energy took place in Berlin, Dresden and Leipzig. The programme was organised by the Ecologic Institute in co-operation with the German Federal Foreign Office, addressing policy-makers at the state, regional and municipal level as well as journalists. The programme included appointments with experts from ministries, think tanks and NGOs as well as field trips to companies in the field of renewable energies (biomass, solar and windpower).

6. Do hydro-climatic hazards intensify social tensions and conflicts? – Presentation

In recent years, it has almost become conventional wisdom that climate change is a threat to human security. Both politicians and scientists have called climate change a conflict trigger or multiplier. However, empirically-based research on the relationship between climate change, resource scarcity and conflict is often absent. At the workshop on "Climate-induced migration in the MENA", Maria Berglund presented the FP7 project "Climate change, Hydro-conflicts and Human Security (CLICO)", aiming to address these research gaps.

7. "powerado plus": Learning about Renewable Energy in Schools – Seminars for Teachers

Between January and June 2010, Stephanie Schlegel, Katharina Umpfenbach and Camilla Bausch from the Ecologic Institute gave14 seminars about incorporating renewable energies into school classes. The seminars are part of the research project "powerado plus" and aim to further increase future teachers' unterstanding of renewable energies. The seminars enable teachers to transmit this knowledge to young learners via hands-on experiments and interdisciplinary projects. The project "powerado plus" was awarded the first prize in the contest "Best examples of Berlin research projects".

8. ZDF German TV: Presumed Dead but Still Kicking – Documentation on Nuclear Power in Germany

The German ZDF TV network aired a 45 minute documentary on the history, economics and politics of as well as lobbying action for nuclear power in Germany, featuring R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute. The film by Ulrike Brödermann and Michael Strompen reveals how political influence can trump economics and risk management for a comeback of nuclear power (in German only).