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Ecologic Newsletter No 90 – June 2010

Ecologic Newsletter No 90 – June 2010

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Ecosystem services in cultural landscapes – Publication
  2. Sustainability needs Strategy – Policy Brief
  3. Climate and energy policy under Obama – Lecture
  4. Nexus of water, corruption and climate change integrity, environment and climate change – Report online
  5. Quo vadis Carbon Trading? – Moderation
  6. John Hopkins Summer School on European Environmental Politics 2010
  7. Responding to Climate Change – Dinner Dialogue with Donald F. Boesch
  8. Transatlantic Exchange on Green Buildings and Architecture
  9. Information needs of practitioners in sustainable mountain development – Survey online

1. Ecosystem services in cultural landscapes – Publication

European cultural landscapes are significantly shaped by human activities and provide a multitude of ecological services which benefit human society. In an article published in the May 2010 issue of “Natur und Landschaft”, the concept of ecosystem services is evaluaten in regard to its limits and potentials to analyse conflicts between land use and nature conservation.

2. Sustainability needs Strategy – Policy Brief

The German national Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) has the potential to set the pace for Germany’s development towards a more sustainable society. Unfortunately, the strategy fails to define overarching strategic objectives. Isolated measures, indicators and time plans need to be bundled in an integrated strategy for the future. The authors of the policy brief recommend that the German Government includes four new areas of action in its current SDS: sustainable wealth; sustainable labour policy; sustainable engagement policy and culture of sustainability. These areas are decisive to successfully embed sustainability in Germany’s government, economy and society and will determine whether Germany remains a leader in sustainability. Anneke von Raggamby, Head of European Integration at Ecologic Institute, was one of the authors of this policy brief, that can be downloaded.

3. Climate and energy policy under Obama – Lecture

At the invitation of the U.S. Consulate General Leipzig Katharina Umpfenbach held a lecture on U.S. climate and energy policy on 27 May 2010. The event was part of a lecture series titled “Obama and the ‘new’ U.S.” organised jointly by the political science faculty of the University of Erfurt, the Regional Center for Political Education and the U.S. Consulate General.

4. Nexus of water, corruption and climate change integrity, environment and climate change – Report online

Concerned that issues raised by climate change may be creating new avenues and possibilities for corruption in the water sector, the Water Integrity Network (WIN) convened a panel of experts for consultation. Potential challenges include a misuse of the term ‘climate change’ and a lack of transparency in the discourse surrounding this topic. In addition the channelling of large sums of money into poor countries could increase the risk of corruption in the water sector without bringing real protection to threatened communities. WIN posed the question: does the issue of climate change require the water sector to change its approach to prevent and deal with corruption? The consultation was supported by Ecologic Institute, with Grit Martinez advising on the framing and scoping of the exercise, and R. Andreas Kraemer chairing the consultation plenary. The WIN report is available for download.

5. Quo vadis Carbon Trading? – Moderation

R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute moderated a panel entitled "Quo Vadis Carbon Trading?" at the conference "The Great Transformation – Greening the Economy", which was jointly organized by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, the Center for American Progress, and the Mercator Foundation. The panel focussed on economic instruments in climate policy, the EU Emission Trading Scheme and its links to carbon markets and also Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects in other countries.

6. Johns Hopkins Summer School on European Environmental Politics 2010

Ecologic held the second Johns Hopkins Summer School on European environmental politics 17-28 May 2010. Experts from Ecologic Institute and other guest speakers held seminars on subjects ranging from European integration to European water policies. Johns Hopkins students also met with a variety of stakeholders in Berlin and Brussels to discuss European environmental policy.

7. Responding to Climate Change - The ongoing work of the U.S. National Academies Committee on America's Climate Choices – Dinner Dialogue with Donald F. Boesch

The ongoing work of the U.S. National Academies Committee on America's Climate Choices was the topic of the Transatlantic Climate Dinner in honour of Donald F. Boesch. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) addresses critical national issues and gives advice based on scientific findings to the U.S. Government and the public. Don Boesch is a Professor of Marine Science and President of the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES) and is a member of the 'Overarching Committee' of the U.S. National Academies Committee on America's Climate Choices.

8. Transatlantic Exchange on Green Buildings and Architecture

As part of the „Transatlantic Climate Bridge“, the Ecologic Institute organized a visitors programme on Green Buildings and Architecture, addressing 20 expert journalists from the USA and Canada. The informational tour took place on 11-17 April 2010 in Frankfurt, Darmstadt and Berlin.

9. Information needs of practitioners in sustainable mountain development – Online survey

This online survey assesses the research information needs of practitioners working in sustainable development of European mountain regions to improve knowledge transfer. The questionnaire is available on the internet in English, German, Polish, Romanian and Spanish until 2 July 2010. Please support us by participating in the survey or by forwarding the link to your mountain networks.