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Ecologic Newsletter No 89 – May 2010

Ecologic Newsletter No 89 – May 2010

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Emerging Experimentalism in EU Environmental Governance – Publication
  2. Preserving Diversity - More International Attention to Biodiversity Protection – Publication
  3. Climate Change, Hydro-conflicts and Human Security – Policy Brief online
  4. Assessment of agricultural measures included in the draft River Basin Management Plans – Project report published
  5. Trade and Environment – Study online
  6. Corporate accountability – Proposals for reforms at the EU level – Publication
  7. Energy in Germany – Presentation to US Congress Chiefs of Staff
  8. Policy consulting by intermediary organizations – University Seminar

1. Emerging Experimentalism in EU Environmental Governance – Publication

In this chapter, Ecologic Senior Fellow Ingmar von Homeyer argues that the institutional structures and processes underlying EU environmental governance have undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Important characteristics of this emerging "experimentalism" in EU environmental governance include the transition of many important decisions into the implementation stage, trans-nationally networked implementation, and the creation of indicators and reporting requirements for regular review and revision of policies.

2. Preserving Diversity - More International Attention to Biodiversity Protection – Publication

Today, the loss of biological diversity has already reached alarming proportions, proportions which climate change is not expected to reach for several decades. Despite this, climate change continues to dominate political debates, whereas biodiversity is still seen as an issue of secondary importance. In this publication, Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Senior Policy Advisor of Ecologic Institute, summarizes why a political and institutional reassessment of biodiversity is so necessary.

3. Climate Change, Hydro-conflicts and Human Security – Policy Brief online

Climate change poses several threats to human security. Hydro-climatic hazards such as droughts and floods have the potential to trigger or exacerbate social tensions, intra- and inter-state conflict. The EU-funded project CLICO will examine the relationships between hydro-climatic hazards, human security and conflict. The project will also develop recommendations for the best types of policies and institutions to avoid or better prepare for water conflicts related to climate change. The project’s first policy brief is now available for download.

4. Assessment of agricultural measures included in the draft River Basin Management Plans – Project report published

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/EC) has introduced a legal framework for sustainable management of water resources across Europe. According to this directive, Member States (MS) had to prepare drafts of the river basin management plans (RBMPs) and respective programmes of measures (PoMs) by the end of 2009. Successful implementation of the WFD strongly depends on agricultural land use; therefore, this report summarised the results of an in-depth assessment of how the draft plans and programmes address agricultural pressures on EU water resources.

5. Trade and Environment – Study online

Environmental technologies are key for an environmentally friendly and sustainable world economy. International trade and private investment will play a critical role in promoting the widespread use of environmental technologies. Within this context, Ecologic Institute analyzed the relationship between environmental protection, trade and development. This study is available for download.

6. Corporate accountability - Proposals for reforms at the EU level – Publication

At the EU level, there is great need for legal reforms concerning the liability of enterprises for violations of human rights and environmental norms abroad. This publication is the result of a study co-authored by Christiane Gerstetter, Fellow Ecologic Legal and pro-bono lawyer for the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights.

7. Energy in Germany – Presentation to US Congress Chiefs of Staff

The 2010 Senior Congressional Staff Study Tour of Germany brought Chiefs of Staff of members of the US Congress to Berlin and Cologne to take stock of the political situation in Germany after the federal election in September 2009 and before the vote in North Rhine-Westphalia in May 2010. On invitation by The United States Association of Former Members of Congress (USAFMC), R. Andreas Kraemer of Ecologic Institute led a discussion on the current trends and outlook for energy policy in Germany and the European Union.

8. Policy consulting by intermediary organizations – University Seminar

Christiane Gerstetter and Doris Knoblauch, Fellows of Ecologic Legal, are teaching a seminar at the University for Applied Sciences Bremen in the summer term 2010. The seminar is entitled "Policy consulting by intermediary organisations" and is part of the International Degree Course in Policy Management; its aim is to provide students with first-hand insights into the work of an environmental think tank.