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Transatlantic Policy Options for Supporting Adaptation in the Marine Arctic


Transatlantic Policy Options for Supporting Adaptation in the Marine Arctic

Summary for Policy Makers


Best, Aaron; Sandra Cavalieri; Mark Jariabka et al. 2009: Transatlantic Policy Options for Supporting Adaptations in the Marine Arctic: Summary for Policy Makers. Berlin: Ecologic Institute.

This policy brief draws upon a series of background papers, expert meetings, and interviews to provide an overview of the international and EU governance options for addressing the rapid changes underway in the region. While reflecting the opinions of its authors, this policy brief benefits from the opinions and insights of the experts participating in the five thematic working groups of Arctic TRANSFORM. The policy is available for download.

The Arctic TRANSFORM project, funded by the European Commission's Directorate General of External Relations, engaged experts in a transatlantic discussion of five Arctic-related thematic areas: indigenous peoples, environmental governance, fisheries, offshore hydrocarbon activities, and shipping. Expert working groups addressed each thematic area with the goal of developing policy options for the Arctic marine area. The policy brief "Transatlantic Policy Options for Supporting Adaptation in the Marine Arctic: Summary for Policy Makers" [pdf, 970 KB, English] is available for download.


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Timo Koivurova
Erik J. Molenaar
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10 pp.
Project ID
shipping, fisheries, offshore hydrocarbon, indigenous peoples, environmental governance, policy options