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Costs and Socio-Economic Benefits Associated with the Natura 2000 Network

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Costs and Socio-Economic Benefits Associated with the Natura 2000 Network


This project on the costs and benefits of the EU's Natura 2000 Network was designed to support the European Commission in obtaining an accurate estimate of the costs of managing the network and in increasing awareness of its socio-economic benefits. In addition, it developed a methodology for the systematic updating and refinement of the costs and benefits linked to the network. The project report is available for download.


Updating and increasing the knowledge base on the financial requirements of Natura 2000 is needed to estimate if the financial resources foreseen for the network’s future management and restoration at national level are adequate. Emphasising the socio-economic benefits of Natura 2000 will also be necessary in order to facilitate the preparation of funding applications, and to encourage regional and local acceptance of the network.

Objectives and methodology

The project aimed to further refine estimations of costs and benefits associated with Natura 2000 network and to collect information and recommendations on methodologies for these estimations as applied at EU Member State level. The project built on cost questionnaires sent to the Member States and an extensive consultation process involving national level representatives and key partners in implementing the network. Ecologic Institute and its partners have interviewed representatives from different ministries and key stakeholders in 27 EU Member States to gather insights on costs and benefits associated with the network.

Role of Ecologic Institute

Ecologic Institute collected and analysed data in Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Slovenia, Lithuania and Bulgaria. In addition, it focussed on the development of a methodology that enables an extrapolation of national and regional data on costs and benefits to the European level. Moreover, Ecologic Institute organized the final conference 2010 Conference on Financing Natura 2000, which brought together a range of stakeholders and developed recommendations for financing the Natura 2000 network.

This project was part of the Ecologic Institute's contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity 2010. The project report is available for download.

More content from this project

GHK (GHK), United Kingdom
Sandra Naumann
ir. Colette de Roo
Sophie Herbert
Project ID
Natura 2000, biodiversity, ecosystem services, cost-benefit analysis, economic assessment, European Union
cost-benefit analysis, case studies