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Connecting public transportation with car and bike sharing programs

Connecting public transportation with car and bike sharing programs

Connecting public transportation with car and bike sharing programs


This project highlights case studies of best practices in car and bike sharing programs in the US and the EU. It assesses the challenges and promises of these programs. Max Grünig and Dominic Marcellino, the authors of the report, conclude that well-designed car and bike sharing programs should be integrated with public transportation to move toward sustainable transportation systems.

Transportation systems in the US and the EU are strained and rely heavily on the use of private cars. Concerns about climate change, peak oil, and energy security require that countries develop sustainable transportation systems. New and innovative car and bike sharing programs are being developed in the US and Europe. These systems offer transportation flexibility and can be linked with public transportation systems. This project investigates the potential of bike and car sharing programs by highlighting case studies in the US and the EU. The report "A Missing Link to Sustainable Mobility" [pdf, 391 KB, English] is available for download.


Max Grünig
Elena von Sperber
Project ID
transport, sustainable transportation systems, public transportation, car sharing, bicycle sharing
Europe, USA