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Ecologic Newsletter No 84 – December 2009

Ecologic Newsletter No 84 – December 2009

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. The World Intellectual Property Organisation – a Model for UN Environmental Reform?
  2. Ecologic Institute Technology Transfer Side Event at UNFCCC COP-15 in Copenhagen – Webcast available
  3. Active Climate Foreign Policy – Six Recommendations for the Foreign Minister – Publication
  4. Blueprint Germany – A strategy for a climate safe 2050: New WWF-study introduced and available for download
  5. Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategies (RCCAS) – Project report online
  6. Insights from the Arctic Transform project integrated into the Arctic Governance Project
  7. The Role of Agriculture in Future Climate Policies: Approaches in Germany and the United States – Ecologic Riverside Chat
  8. A Climate Protection Act for Germany – Lecture

1. The World Intellectual Property Organisation – a Model for UN Environmental Reform?

The Ecologic Institute analyzes the pertinence of using elements of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in shaping international environmental governance reform. Christiane Gerstetter, Nils Meyer-Ohlendorf and Susanah Stoessel, the authors of the study, conclude that the WIPO model is illustrative for the debate on reforming international environmental governance. At the same time, however, important disparities in the substance and policies of intellectual property and environmental protection exist. The Ecologic study is available for download.

2. Ecologic Institute Technology Transfer Side Event at UNFCCC COP-15 in Copenhagen – Webcast available

The Ecologic Institute presented its policy brief on the transfer of climate technology to developing countries at a side event on 11 December at the UNFCCC COP15 in Copenhagen. The policy brief, addressed primarily to UNFCCC negotiators, surveys Party positions on technology transfer in the UNFCCC negotiations and tested areas of contention against evidence in the academic literature offering recommendations to negotiators. A webcast of the side event is available.

3. Active Climate Foreign Policy – Six Recommendations for the Foreign Minister – Publication

Climate policy is more than just the elaboration of a fair treaty. It offers the opportunity for the modernization of economies and it will considerably determine Germany's relations with emerging countries. How can the new foreign minister develop specific initiatives in this field? On this topic, the authors Sascha Müller-Kraenner and Martin Kremer make six recommendations in this online article of the German "Internationale Politik" journal.

4. Blueprint Germany – A strategy for a climate safe 2050: New WWF-study introduced and available for download

A timely contribution to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, WWF's new study shows how Germany can reduce greenhouse gases by 95 % by the year 2050. The study, meant from the goal, is a thorough policy program supported by concrete measures and instruments up to the year 2030. It shows that the transformation from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy is possible and affordable – and also indicates that Germany could become a model for other countries if the suggested path were to be followed. The study is introduced and discussed in two introductory events and available for download.

5. Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategies (RCCAS) – Project report online

The scarcity of concrete regional adaptation strategies (RAS) across the EU suggests that guidelines for designing regional strategies can be helpful in assisting regions to prepare for the effects of climate change. In this project a Policy Guidance has been developed that is intended to assist regional authorities and other regional bodies formulating RAS. It draws on the experience of thirty-one regional adaptation strategies, a review of existing guidelines for developing adaptation strategies, and on the results of a stakeholders' workshop that conveyed regional authorities to discuss a draft of this guidance. The final report is available for download.

6. Insights from the Arctic Transform project integrated into the Arctic Governance Project

Results from Arctic TRANSFORM have been included in a compendium compiled by the Arctic Governance Project. The compendium compiles over 650 documents from various academic, NGO, governmental, and other sources into a searchable and filterable database.

7. The Role of Agriculture in Future Climate Policies: Approaches in Germany and the United States – Ecologic Riverside Chat

The role of agriculture in future climate policies and different bioenergy applications were discussed at an Ecologic Transatlantic Riverside Chat that took place on the Potomac River in Washington DC on 10 July 2009. The event was part of the second transatlantic farmer-to-farmer exchange that brought together farmers from Germany and the US, as well as scientists and journalists with an agricultural background.

8. A Climate Protection Act for Germany – Lecture

Christiane Gerstetter, Fellow Ecologic Legal, spoke on the legal feasibility of adopting a climate change act in Germany, modeled on the UK Climate Change Act. The presentation was a contribution to a seminar entitled "How legally-binding targets can promote more effective national climate change policy" held in the British Embassy. The presentation was based on an earlier legal expertise by Ecologic Legal on the topic, which the WWF had sponsored. It is available for download.