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Ecologic Newsletter No 82 – November 2009

Ecologic Newsletter No 82 – November 2009

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. German premiere of the documentary film "The End of the Line"
  2. Which governance modes are suitable? – Publication
  3. The Future Outlook & Post-2012 Discussion – Lecture
  4. BSEC to Host Seminar on Technology Cooperation for Climate Objectives
  5. Environmental Think Tanks as Actors and Research Objects – Comparing the U.S. and EU Perspectives – Dinner Dialogue with James G. McGann
  6. Trends in EU energy and climate change policy – Lecture
  7. Semi-subsistence producers and biosecurity in the Slovenian Alps – Publication
  8. The Evolution of a Donation – How the United Nations Foundation Helps Achieve International Objectives – Publication

1.German premiere of the documentary film "The End of the Line"
On 14 December 2009, the critically acclaimed documentary film "The End of the Line" will have its German premiere in Berlin. It is the first major feature documentary film revealing the devastating impact of overfishing on our oceans. You can register now for the premiere.

2. Which governance modes are suitable? – Publication
Environmental policy integration, i.e. the integration of environmental concerns into other policy fields, is becoming increasingly important. But how does environmental policy integration relate to the different modes of governance? In their article Ingmar von Homeyer and Doris Knoblauch present the results of the EPIGOV project.

3.The Future Outlook & Post-2012 Discussion – Lecture
Stakeholders and participants in the global carbon market convened in Washington DC at the annual Carbon Markets USA trade conference. Attendees examined the latest developments driving this evolving market, with a particular focus on the state of legislation in the United States and the progress in negotiations towards a global climate regime. Michael Mehling, president of the Ecologic Institute in Washington DC, was invited to address participants in the closing panel. In his address, he assessed the future outlook for climate negotiations and their implications for carbon markets around the globe.

4. BSEC to Host Seminar on Technology Cooperation for Climate Objectives
The Berlin Seminar on Energy and Climate (BSEC) is hosting a seminar “International Technology Cooperation to Achieve Climate Objectives” on 3 December 2009 at the German Institute of Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin. Dominic Marcellino, Fellow at the Ecologic Institute in Washington DC will outline how the diffusion of climate technologies can be supported with the mechanisms discussed in the UNFCCC negotiations. Ehsan Shafiei of Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran will discuss the example of the Iranian power system, the role of technology absorption, learning by doing and international trade.

5. Environmental Think Tanks as Actors and Research Objects – Comparing the U.S. and EU Perspectives – Dinner Dialogue with James G. McGann
On 12 October 2009, a transatlantic Ecologic Dinner Dialogue was held in Berlin in honour of James G. McGann, Director of the "Think Tanks and Foreign Policy Program" of the Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) at the University of Pennsylvania. In his talk, James G. McGann presented the findings of his latest research on environmental think tanks and laid out the differences between EU and US environmental think tanks. In his view, there are important differences in the political cultures of the two regions.

6. Trends in EU energy and climate change policy – Lecture
The Indiana University European Union Center organized a full-day conference entitled "European Union Regulatory Policy: Lessons for Indiana." Dominic Marcellino gave a presentation on the development of EU energy and climate policy over the past decade, pointing out trends and possible future developments, and highlighting implications for Indiana.

7. Semi-subsistence producers and biosecurity in the Slovenian Alps – Publication
In this article Ana Frelih Larsen examines the encounter between biosecurity and semi-subsistence producers in the Slovenian Alps. The article shows that biosecurity, as part of a broader shift in agri-food governance stemming from Slovenia's entry to the European Union, has dramatically reshaped the playing field for semi-subsistence producers, driving agricultural restructuring and diminishing farmers’ strategies of subsistence slaughter and informal marketing.

8. The Evolution of a Donation – How the United Nations Foundation Helps Achieve International Objectives – Publication

An unprecedented donation by media mogul Ted Turner in 1997 resulted in the creation of a non-profit charity devoted to helping the United Nations achieve its objectives. The evolution, key activities and figures of the U.N. Foundation are briefly described in this article.