Umweltpolitikintegration im Mehrebenensystem
Welche Governance-Formen eignen sich?
- Publication
- Citation
Homeyer, Ingmar von and Doris Knoblauch 2009: “Welche Governance-Formen eignen sich?”. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, No. 3/2009, 35-38.
Environmental policy integration, i.e. the integration of environmental concerns into other policy fields, is becoming increasingly important. But how does environmental policy integration relate to different modes of governance? In their article, Ingmar von Homeyer and Doris Knoblauch present the results of the EPIGOV project.
Within the project "Environmental Policy Integration and Multi-Level Governance" (EPIGOV), which was funded under the EU’s 6th Research Framework Programme and brought together 19 partners from 11 European countries, different modes of governance influencing environmental policy integration (EPI) on different policy levels (global, EU, national, regional/local) were analysed. While previous research mainly focused on EPI instruments and EPI in specific national contexts, the EPIGOV project adopted a governance perspective. Besides analysing relevant links in several case studies, the project also dealt with the effects of different modes of governance at different policy levels on EPI.