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Ecologic Newsletter No 77 – June 2009

Ecologic Newsletter No 77 – June 2009

Ecologic Institute Newsletter
  1. Launch Celebration for German Pollutant Release and Transfer Register – PRTR – Event summary
  2. German Perspectives on the Current CAP Reform – Policy Brief published
  3. International Cooperation on Climate and Energy – Visitors programme
  4. A Climate Protection Law for Germany – Lecture
  5. Water Governance in Europe – the Water Framework Directive – Lecture
  6. Global Climate Policy Debate – Lessons Learned and Preparations for Copenhagen – Chairing
  7. Ecologic Institute joins Water Footprint Network (WFN)
  8. Rachel Carson Award Nomination awarded to Ecologic Transatlantic Fellow Zoë Robaey

1. Launch Celebration for German Pollutant Release and Transfer Register PRTR – Event Summary

On 3 June 2009, the inauguration of the new German Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) took place with more than 130 guests at Radialsystem V in Berlin. PRTR now offers free online information for all citizens on pollutants released into air, water, and soil by industrial facilities, such as the energy and chemical industry, but also by factory farming and big sewage treatment plants. The launch of the register has been organized by the Ecologic Conference Team; the scientific staff of Ecologic Institute has been acting as a consultant for the project since 2001.

2. German Perspectives on the Current CAP Reform – Policy Brief published

This policy brief outlines the positions and relative influence of the main German stakeholders on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform. These became visible through responses to the Health Check agreement of the CAP and the upcoming Mid-Term Budget Review. Based on this analysis, the policy brief discusses the main issues and directions of the CAP debate in Germany and the likely overall German position towards the future CAP reform in Brussels. The policy brief can be downloaded free of charge.

3. International Cooperation on Climate and Energy – Visitors programme

From 3 - 9 May 2009, a visitors programme on climate and energy issues took place in Berlin, Dessau and Bonn. The programme was organised by Ecologic Institute in co-operation with the German Federal Foreign Office, addressing journalists and editors of specialized web logs. The programme included appointments with experts from ministries, the UNFCCC, think tanks and NGOs as well as field visits to leading examples of the German "ecological industrial policy".

4. A Climate Protection Law for Germany Lecture

On behalf of the WWF, Ecologic Institute researched how middle and long term climate change goals could best be anchored in German law. At a Parliamentary Evening of the WWF on June 17th, Stephan Sina, Senior Fellow at Ecologic Institute, presented the expert report. Its results were discussed afterwards in a debate including the members of parliament Eva Bulling-Schröter (Die Linke), Michael Kauch (FDP), Ulrich Kelber (SPD), Sylvia Kotting-Uhl (Bündnis 90/Grüne) and Prof. Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf (PIK). The moderator was Regine Günther (WWF).

5. Water Governance in Europe the Water Framework Directive Lecture

Nicole Kranz, Senior Fellow with Ecologic, recently spoke about European Water Governance at the H2Ontario Symposium on Integrated Water Management held on 21 and 22 May in Toronto, Ontario. The Symposium was aimed at discussing current approaches to Integrated Water Management in Canada as well as internationally and determining the way forward for current approaches underway in the Ontario Province.

6. Global Climate Policy Debate –  Lessons Learned and Preparations for Copenhagen Chairing

On 12 June 2009, Michael Mehling of the Ecologic Institute in Washington DC moderated a plenary session on the “Global Climate Policy Debate” at Carbon Finance North America 2009, an annual trade conference organized in New York. The panel focused on preparations for a post-2012 climate regime and the integration of US policy into an international post-Kyoto agreement, reviewing developments since Poznan (COP 14) and expectations for Copenhagen (COP 15).

7. Ecologic Institute joins Water Footprint Network (WFN)

The WFN is an international platform promoting the concept of water footprinting as an innovative approach to consider the aspect of virtual water in water policy decisions. Ecologic seeks to link up its previous activities in the water governance field with this innovative approach.

8. Rachel Carson Award Nomination awarded to Ecologic Transatlantic Fellow Zoë Robaey

On June 12 2009, Zoë Robaey, Transatlantic Fellow with Ecologic, was invited to the General Meeting of the Dutch Environmental Professionals Association in Den Haag. She was among the three finalists from Dutch higher education institutions whose Master’s theses were nominated for the Rachel Carson Award. Her thesis “Differing Views of Uncertainty in Environmental Controversies: the Kearl Oil Sands Case, 2003-2008 in Canada“ was awarded second place.