Scoping Study an EU Communication Campaign on Biodiversity
The European Union (EU) faces the risk not to meet the 2010 target in implementing the Biodiversity Action Plan. Though the legal background for the implementation is set, the implementation itself is quite slow. In this respect, DG Environment is planning an EU wide communication campaign on biodiversity and nature to increase the awareness and involvement of EU-citizens. This scoping study was commissioned as means of preparation.
How can the target of 10 million Europeans actively involved in biodiversity conservation by 2010 be achieved? The scoping study to prepare for the big EU-wide campaign had two objectives:
- to map out (scope) the state of play of biodiversity campaigns within the EU-27 and across the globe, thereby providing analyses and assessments using a variety of evaluation tools of these and other public information campaigns and
- to provide strategic guidance by presenting a variety of options of how an EU-wide campaign on biodiversity could be carried out. Each option being put forward provides the Commission with clear and detailed campaigns objectives, key messages, target audience, the framework and components of the communication campaign.
The scoping study was worked out by Gellis Communications with support from Ecologic.